Author: admin
Pine AfterMath FAQ: Stop Experiments Immediately
When monitoring an experiment's progress in real-time using the experiment monitor, the user may need to IMMEDIATELY terminate an experiment without any additional prompts of the “Are you sure?” style. By default, pressing the “Stop” button will result in additional prompts to be sure an experiment is not accidentally terminated prematurely, to let the user…
Pine AfterMath FAQ: Specify Reference Electrode
At this time there is no way to specify the type of reference electrode (e.g. Ag/AgCl) used in an experiment. Therefore, all experiment results are with respect to whatever electrode was actually used. That is, there is no automatic offsetting to adjust results to match any standard reference electrode (e.g. NHE). However, it is possible…
Pine AfterMath FAQ: WaveNow Electrode Grounding
The cell cable for the WaveNow family potentiostats provides an analog ground line (black lead). However, sometimes it is necessary to ground the working (red lead) or counter (green lead) electrode. How can this be done? The WaveNow family potentiostats are not connected to Earth-ground through the AC mains power supply adapter. However, a path…
Pine AfterMath FAQ: Invert Axis
There are two ways to invert a plot axis (e.g., plot increasing potential from right to left rather than left to right). The first way configures any individual axis on any plot AFTER the plot has been created. The second way controls how certain axes (e.g. potential or current) are configured when a NEW plot…
AfterMath: Firmware Version Recommendations
Overview AfterMath can be used to display the level of firmware running in the potentiostat (select the instrument in the lower-left pane and then the “Device” tab on the right pane). That information can be compared with the descriptions below. Contact Pine Research for firmware update files and then follow update instructions here. Details Updated:…