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CBP Bipotentiostat: PCI 6251 Interface Board
This is a 16-bit M-Series interface board option for the CBP bipotentiostat system. This board will fit into any full size PCI slot in a personal computer (desktop or tower). The PCI-6251 board is manufactured by National Instruments (Austin TX). The board offers multiple 16-bit analog input/output channels, precision timing, and several digital input/output lines.…
Glossary: Rotating Electrode
A rotating electrode is a special type of working electrode used for analytical purposes in an electrochemical cell. By spinning a disk or cylinder at high speed in an electrolyte solution, a well-defined mass transport condition is created.
Glossary: Working Electrode
The working electrode is the particular electrode in an electroanalytical cell at which the analyte or reaction of interest is observed.
Glossary: Electrode
An electrode is one of the external terminals on an electrochemical cell at which electrical contact with the cell can be made. At a minimum, an electrochemical cell has two electrodes, often referred to as the anode and the cathode, which are the connection points at which an external current or voltage source can be…
Glossary: Electrochemical Cell
An apparatus consisting of two (or more) electrodes which, while separated from each other spatially, are in electrical contact with each other via a current path passing through one (or more) conductive media with which the electrodes are in contact.
Glossary: Anode
The anode is the particular electrode in an electrochemical cell at which an oxidation process is occurring. Related Terms: cathode, anodic current
Glossary: Electroanalytical Cell
A electroanalytical cell is an electrochemical cell designed for making an analytical measurement, such as measuring the concentration of an analyte in a solution or measuring the rate constant of a reaction at an electrode surface.