Pine AfterMath FAQ: Export Data

      This FAQ applies to versions 1.0.2447 and greater.


Data from an AfterMath can be copied to the system clipboard (versions 1.0.2477 and greater) or exported to files (version 1.2.4041 and greater).

Copy Data to System Clipboard

Data from a single trace can be copied to the system clipboard (versions 1.0.2477 and greater). There are multiple ways to do this, as shown in the screenshots below:

Copy data from a plot

Copy data from the treeview

Export Archive Data to Files

Data can be exported to files ( version 1.2.4041 and greater ). There are several ways to do this, as shown in the screenshots further below. As shown in the following screenshot, selected items can be chosen for export – as much as entire archives can be exported at once, or as little as only a single trace.

Export data from a plot

Export data from the treeview

Export data from any open archives