AfterMath Module: ASWD20B


This AfterMath software module includes support for dual electrode and other popular electroanalytical techniques on the Pine WaveDriver 20 bipotentiostat/galvanostat system. A list of all supported methods is provided below.

Potential Sweep Methods

Potential Step Methods

Galvanostatic Methods

Cyclic Step (Charge/Discharge) Methods

  • Cyclic Step Chronoamperometry (CSCA), capable of charge/discharge under potentiostatic control
  • Cyclic Step Chronopotentiometry (CSCP), capable of charge/discharge under galvanostatic control

Dual Working Electrode Methods

  • Dual Electrode Bulk Electrolysis (DEBE), controlled potential, controlled current, or open circuit potential
  • Dual Electrode Cyclic Voltammetry (DECV), includes collection, shielding, window, and diametric variants

Passive Methods

Potential Pulse Methods

Stripping Voltammetry

Hydrodynamic Methods

Note: Control of the rotation rate by the potentiostat requires a special cable (click here for details).

  • Rotating Ring-Disk Voltammetry (RRDE), includes collection, shielding, window, and diametric variants
  • Koutecky-Levich RDE Series (KL-RDE), acquires series of rotating disk voltammograms at various rotation rates
  • Koutecky-Levich RRDE Series (KL-RRDE), acquires series of rotating ring-disk voltammograms at various rotation rates
  • Rotating Disk Electrolysis (BE-RDE), supports constant voltage, constant current, or open circuit measurements
  • Rotating Ring-Disk Electrolysis (BE-RRDE), supports constant voltage, constant current, or open circuit measurements
  • Rotating Disk Chronopotentiometry (CP-RDE), galvanostatic control of a rotating disk electrode
  • Rotating Disk Ramp Chronopotentiometry (CRP-RDE), includes Rotating Disk Cyclic Chronopotentiometry

Part Numbers

Click here to go to Pine's commercial web site for the AfterMath Data Organizer software.

This module is assigned the following Pine Part #: ASWD20B. It was given the following description: General & Dual Electrode & Hydrodynamic Methods for the WaveDriver 20 (single instrument license).

Additional Resources