
MT Series RRDE Tips


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MAXIMUM ROTATION RATE: 3000 RPM -- Never exceed maximum rotation rate when working with rotating electrodes.

This product has been discontinued. New customers should purchase our new E7 Series RRDE tips instead of the older MT series.

Standard MT28 Series RRDE Dimensions:

  • Disk OD = 4.57 mm; Ring ID = 4.93 mm; Ring OD = 5.38 mm; Shroud OD = 13.5 mm
  • Collection Efficiency (theoretical) = 22%

Standard MT29 Series RRDE Dimensions:

  • Disk OD = 5.61 mm; Ring ID = 6.25 mm; Ring OD = 7.92 mm; Shroud OD = 13.5 mm
  • Collection Efficiency (theoretical) = 37%

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# Description Price in USD
Shafts and Tools

Shaft for MT28 and MT29 Series RRDE Tips for use with MSR rotators only


Replacement Spring for Shaft replacement for the small spring at end of shaft

118 um gap RRDEs (MT28 Series)

MT28 RRDE Tip, glassy carbon disk, platinum ring (99.99% Pt, mirror polish finish)


MT28 RRDE Tip, platinum ring and disk (99.99% Pt, mirror polish finish)


MT28 RRDE Tip, gold ring and disk (99.99% Au, mirror polish finish)

318 um gap RRDEs (MT29 Series)

MT29 RRDE Tip, glassy carbon disk and ring (mirror polish finish)


MT29 RRDE Tip, gold disk, glassy carbon ring (mirror polish finish)


MT29 RRDE Tip, platinum disk, glassy carbon ring (mirror polish finish)

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