Classic WaveNow/WaveNano Series Cell Cable
This product has been discontinued and can no longer be purchased. The product remains on our website for reference and a listing of its specifications. We suggest purchasing the replacement product, WaveNow/WavePico Wireless Electrochemical Workstation Cell Cable.
This cell cable was originally used with the classic WaveNow series electrochemical workstations (Legacy WaveNow and Legacy WaveNano, and current WaveNow XV). The cable mounts in the HD-15 cell port on the side of the workstation and breaks out the main cell connections to color-coded banana plugs. A set of five alligator clips that slide on to the banana plugs is included with the cell cable. This cell cable was included with the purchase of a compatible electrochemical workstation.
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This cell cable was originally used with the classic WaveNow series electrochemical workstations (Legacy WaveNow and Legacy WaveNano, and current WaveNow XV). The cable mounts in the HD-15 cell port on the side of the workstation and breaks out the main cell connections to color-coded banana plugs. A set of five alligator clips that slide on to the banana plugs is included with the cell cable. This cell cable was included with the purchase of a compatible electrochemical workstation.