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Support and Sponsorship Requests

Support and Sponsorship Requests

Pine Research is approached for sponsorship quite frequently.  We have allocated a limited amount of competitively available funds for this purpose.  While we would like to financially support all of our customers, it is not possible.  Therefore, we have developed this application, which gathers important details about your sponsorship request and allows our team to review requests collectively.  Pine Research will not entertain email based requests and ask all sponsorship requests be made by this form.  You will be notified when Pine Research has made a decision.

Pine Research Values Electrochemical Research

Pine Research values the significant contributions made by the electrochemical community.  Whether it be advances in battery materials and technology, more efficient and environmentally friendly electrocatalyst development, or better-performing biosensors, we realize that through your research, our world becomes better understood and more capable.  As a company, we incorporate your feedback into the development of all of our products.  Our Electrochemical Workstationselectrode rotatorsFSCVspectroelectrochemistry, electrochemical education, and photoelectrochemistry products are customer-inspired — improved with your own research successes.

Evaluation Criteria

  • What is the estimated size of the audience who will benefit from sponsorship?
  • How diverse is the audience, and at the same time, how connected to the electrochemical community is the audience?  Is the event local, national, or international?
  • In what ways will our sponsorship be made known to the conference, organizers, and attendees?  In particular, while a logo on a slide or poster is a classic way of acknowledging supporters, we value deeper and more developed ways in which the sponsorship is made known.  For example, instrumentation demos and displays, prominent verbal representations, and greater visual impacts across media are exciting prospects.
  • For symposia or other related conference sessions, are the presenters actively using Pine Research Instrumentation products in their research?  There are several vendors for electrochemical instrumentation, and research groups tend to gravitate towards one specific brand.  Our sponsorship is intended to support the community at large with special interest towards those that routinely use our products to accomplish their research goals.
  • Has Pine Research Instrumentation sponsored this same event in the past?  If so, how were the funds used (in general)?

Funding is limited and highly competitive. We will not fund all applications. We routinely receive far more funding requests than our budget allows. Consider other ways that Pine Research can support you, such as through engaging workshops.


Complete the following form for your upcoming support or sponsorship request.  You will be notified when we have reached a decision about your reqeust.

"*" indicates required fields

Contact Information

University, College, Company, etc.

Event Details

For example, if this funding request is for support of a conference symposia, state the conference name and symposia title. If this funding request is for other kinds of support, please provide a descriptive title.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please provide city, state (province), and country.
Estimate the number of people reached through this support or sponsorship. If it is for a conference symposia, estimate the symposia attendance (not total conference attendance). For other events, state the number invited.
Please address the topics listed above. Provide details about your event and explain why sponsorship is needed. Discuss anticipated outcomes of this event. Provide any additional information you want to be considered in your application, not requested elsewhere.
Due to the number of requests we receive, successful applications may be funded with up to $500.
Please describe how you anticipate using sponsorship funds? For example: invited speaker travel expenses, food and beverage, honoraria, etc.
Please describe the Pine Research products used by those invited/attending your event. For example, for a symposium, have your invitees published research using our products? Please describe.
Please describe the methods that will be used to bring attention to Pine Research Instrumentation as an event sponsor. Be as specific as possible. We especially value unique methods beyond a logo in a program or on a presentation slide.
Have you previously received sponsorship money from Pine Research for this event?*
Answer yes if you have requested funds for a different symposium at a different conference and were funded.
Please list other secured and potential sponsors from whom you are requesting support. Indicate whether funded (and indicate amount) or requested, the organization name. If none, enter "N/A."
Upload any additional supporting material (e.g. officiall letter, sponsorship documentation, etc.) you have. Please do not duplicate content from the fields already requested, above.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpg, pdf, pdf, png, png, doc, doc, docx, docx, Max. file size: 64 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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Below is the billing data we have on file. These details will be used on your quotation, so please update them here if you require any changes. Changing any details here updates them for your account.