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Alex Peroff

Business Details
Electrochemical Sales Scientist
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+1 (919) 782-8320 Extension 1507
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Alex's Specialities
Applications: Education, electrochemistry, Spectroscopy
Products: Electrodes, Honeycomb Cell, UV/Vis, WaveNow Wireless
About Alex
Started with Pine Research:
January, 2016
Ph.D. in Chemistry from Northwestern University
Alex's Biography:
Alex Peroff joined the Pine Research team as an Electroanalytical Scientist in 2016. Alex came to Pine Research after earning his Ph.D. at Northwestern University under the direction of Richard Van Duyne and Eric Weitz. Following his doctorate, Alex completed a post-doctoral position at SUNY Albany. Alex resides in the Durham, North Carolina area.
A Favorite Quote:
If it doesn’t disobey the Heisenberg uncertainty principle or the 2nd law of thermodynamics, it should be possible.
~Alex Peroff

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