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Dr. Reducks

Dr. Reducks is here to answer some common electrochemistry related questions. These questions might be general in nature, specific to instrumentation, about electrochemical techniques, or general feedback to user submitted questions. If you have a question for Dr....

Pine Research Laboratory Exercises

In addition to cost effective instrumentation, user-friendly software, and convenient systems for electrochemical experimentation, Pine Research Instrumenation provides some electrochemical-based laboratory handouts. These have been developed by electrochemists from...

Potentiostat & Rotator Color Codes

Pine Research Instrumentation (Raleigh, NC) is a spin-off company of Pine Instrument Company (Grove City, PA). These two related companies have used two different color coding standards for electrochemical equipment. Since 2007, Pine Research Instrumentation has used...

Pine Research Instrumentation Documentation

This page contains useful links to documentation for many of the products offered by Pine Research Instrumentation. Some of these documents are maintained on Pine's commercial web site, while others are maintained in whole or in part on this website. AfterMath...