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RRDE Semicentennial Celebration – 50 Years of RRDE

Pine Research Instrumentation has a richly deep history with the Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode (RRDE).  As the company was designing a rotator that would spin electrodes, notable scientists including Dr. John Albery FRS, Dr. Stanley Bruckenstein, Dr. Dennis Johnson and...

And the Winner is….

Laurence Danis from McGill University Congratulations Laurence!  What a hard decision! We had some amazing pictures submitted for our “Where In The World Is Dr. Reducks” contest; a true illustration of our customer’s creativity. After a company-wide vote (including...

Win a WaveNow Potentiostat

“Where in the world is Dr. Reducks?” Contest It’s your chance to win a potentiostat!  Pine Research Instrumentation launched it’s “Where in the World is Dr. Reducks” contest October 1, 2015. Entries are nothing more than photos of...

Dr. Royce Murray’s Last Defense

Congratulations to Katie Michaux at the University of North Carolina! The newly-minted Dr. Katie Michaux is the final graduate student of Dr. Royce Murray (whose career in training electrochemists at UNC spans 50 years!). Katie’s final defense was attended by several...