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Exciting Electrochemistry at MRS Boston

The upcoming Fall MRS Meeting in Boston will certainly not disappoint the electrochemical science crowd.  It is exciting to see how extensive the use of electrochemistry has become for the materials sciences areas, namely those in energy transfer, storage, and...

Pine Research Partnership with Equilabrium

From humble beginnings as “the electrode rotator company,” Pine Research has considerably grown over the last decade.  In this time, Pine Research has expanded their product line, adding research grade EIS-capable potentiostats (WaveDriver 200), advanced...

WaveDriver 200 Bipotentiostat with EIS System

The WaveDriver 200 Bipotentiostat with EIS System is a robust, benchtop potentiostat system that is very capable, yet cost-effective.  The WaveDriver is a scaled up version of our popular WaveNow series, with larger current and voltage ranges, advanced filtering, and...

WaveDriver 40 Bipotentiostat System

The WaveDriver 40 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat System is a robust, benchtop bipotentiostat system that is very capable, yet cost-effective.  The WaveDriver is a scaled up version of our popular WaveNow series, with larger current and voltage ranges, advanced filtering,...