We hope that you are caught up with our newsfeed! If not, we recommend starting with the first and second articles in this series. Our first article focused on the WaveNow and the second article provides a history of our older CBP bipotentiostat, to a more modern...
The second installment in our “waves” series is here! We hope that you are caught up with our newsfeed! If not, we recommend starting with the first article in this series, which describes our use of “Wave” in product names. Our first...
Today we feature the lab of Dr. Jill Venton, Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Virginia. Dr. Venton is also affiliated with the Neuroscience Graduate Program and the UVA Brain Institute. Dr. Venton earned her Ph.D. at the University of...
According to the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, translation is the process of turning observations in the laboratory, clinic, and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public — from diagnostics and...
What is in a name? The word wave evokes stimulating visions of rushing water, powerful energy, and sheer beauty. A wave can also refer to a new social or technology trend. To a scientist, a wave might bring back memories from physics, learning about electromagnetic...
All orders from Pine Research Instrumentation that are destined to be exported for use outside of the United States requires that the parties involved (end-user, intermediate consignee, and ultimate consignee) disclose the parties involved in the transaction. By signing this form, parties acknowledge having read and understood export restrictions and requirements.