Relaxation Period

      This article complements the AfterMath Data Organizer Electrochemistry Guide

At the end of an experiment, you may specify a period of time during which particular signal level(s) are applied to the working electrode(s), perhaps to allow the cell to re-equilibrate with a set of conditions where no electrochemical activity is occurring. During this “relaxation period”, no data is acquired.

Careful choice of the proper relaxation conditions is required when you are attempting to mitigate the affects of cell switching. You can adjust the relaxation period conditions to match the post-experiment idle conditions.

The default duration of the relaxation period is usually one (1) second. The default signal level (unless otherwise specified) is typically selected to match the final signal level of the waveform being applied to the working electrode during the active portion of the experiment.

Immediately after the relaxation period expires, the experiment is complete, and the post-experiment idle conditions are imposed on the electrochemical cell.