Author: Tim Paschkewitz
WaveDriver 200 Bipotentiostat with EIS System
The WaveDriver 200 Bipotentiostat with EIS System is a robust, benchtop potentiostat system that is very capable, yet cost-effective. The WaveDriver is a scaled up version of our popular WaveNow series, with larger current and voltage ranges, advanced filtering, and iR compensation.
WaveDriver 40 Bipotentiostat System
The WaveDriver 40 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat System is a robust, benchtop bipotentiostat system that is very capable, yet cost-effective. The WaveDriver is a scaled up version of our popular WaveNow series, with larger current and voltage ranges, advanced filtering, and iR compensation.
WaveDriver 20 Potentiostat/Galvanostat System
The WaveDriver 20 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat System is a robust, benchtop potentiostat system that is very capable, yet cost-effective. The WaveDriver is a scaled up version of our popular WaveNow series, with larger current and voltage ranges, two working electrode channels, advanced filtering, and iR compensation.