Pine AfterMath FAQ: Invert Axis

      This FAQ applies to versions 1.0.2447 and greater.

There are two ways to invert a plot axis (e.g., plot increasing potential from right to left rather than left to right). The first way configures any individual axis on any plot AFTER the plot has been created. The second way controls how certain axes (e.g. potential or current) are configured when a NEW plot is created. Note that the second way also controls the axes on “live” view plots during the experiment.

Option 1

Any individual axis on any plot can be inverted by using the axis properties dialog as shown in the image below:

Option 2

The default for all new plots can be controlled in the user's profile settings as shown in the image below. Note that this applies to all new plots, and there is currently no way to specify these settings on a per-experiment-type basis: