
AvaSpec-ULS2048 Spectrometer


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The AvaSpec-ULS2048 Fiber-optic Spectrometer features a CCD array (2048 pixels) and makes measurements over the 200 nm to 1100 nm range. As part of an appropriate product bundle, most Pine Research potentiostats are able to work together with this spectrometer to perform spectroelectrochemistry experiments.

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# Description Price in USD

AvaSpec-ULS2048 Fiber-Optic Spectrometer
2048 pixel CCD array, 200-1100 nm range

spectrometer is powered via USB connection

Related Products and Bundles

AvaLight UV/Vis/NIR Light Source
deuterium and halogen dual light source

200 nm to 2500 nm, SMA connector


This spectrometer is typically purchased as part of a larger spectroelectrochemical bundle offered by Pine Research

Below are selected product references:

AvaSpec-ULS2048 Spectrometer [RRAVSP3]
AvaLight UV/Vis/NIR Light Source [RRAVSP]
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