Submit your EIS data – it may be circuit fit and analyzed during a live webinar!

Dr. Neil Spinner of Pine Research is asking for your EIS data!  Based on feedback from the recent 5-week EIS webinar series, the next webinar planned by Pine Research will be advanced EIS circuit fitting and analysis – but this time, it may be your data!

If you have some EIS data and you are interested in Dr. Spinner trying to circuit fit and analyze it using AfterMath software during a live webinar (date and time to be announced later), you may use the form below to submit your data.  Please also include a short description of the experimental setup and conditions.

EIS Data Submission Form

Data submission form for customer EIS data, for use in future EIS circuit fitting webinars

  • Your Information

    *required field
  • EIS Data Submission

    Please provide details below.
  • Please choose the type of field you are studying from the dropdown below.
  • Please provide a few details about your electrochemical system/experiments, such as electrode materials, electrolyte, or other experimental details. Also, if possible, explain why you are submitting this data (Trouble fitting certain features? Difficulty analyzing part of the data?).
  • Please limit to 5 or fewer EIS data sets. Either 3-column or 5-column EIS data may be submitted. Accepted file formats: .csv, .txt, .xls, .xlsx
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: txt, xls, xlsx, csv, Max. file size: 63 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • Permission to Use EIS Data

      Please acknowledge and sign below.
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY