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Pine Research Partnership with Equilabrium

by | Sep 17, 2018 | News

Pine Research and Equilabrium Partnership

From humble beginnings as “the electrode rotator company,” Pine Research has considerably grown over the last decade.  In this time, Pine Research has expanded their product line, adding research grade EIS-capable potentiostats (WaveDriver 200), advanced and more cost-effective electrode rotators (WaveVortex 10), integrated spectroelectrochemical analysis systems (based on the Honeycomb spectroelectrochemical cell), and a large array of applications-oriented electrochemical cells. Our European customers have also grown over time and while we enjoy traveling to Europe to attend conferences and visit customer labs, we are not able to be as present as we would like to be.  Further, European customers have been increasingly asking for a local representative.

In 2017, Pine Research developed a partnership with Equilabrium, located in Lyon, France, to offer our European customers sales and technical support in a closer time zone and to offer support on import/export and VAT questions that arise from time to time.  Equilabrium  is the exclusive source of Pine Research products in Europe (except for our customers in Spain and Portugal who work with Maranata-Madrid S.L.)

Photo of Ziad Bitar, owner and chief technical scientist at Equilabrium Dr. Ziad Bitar owns and operates Equilabrium and is their chief scientist.  Working with Equilabrium brings an exceptional experience for our European customers as Dr. Bitar is a trained electrochemist.  After earning Master’s degrees from Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Université de Cergy-Pontoise, he continued on to earn his Ph.D. from Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble I) in Electrochemistry and Materials.  His career began as a Chemical and Process Engineer at IFP Energies nouvelles where he developed novel processes for energy storage and CO2 reduction.  After some time spent working with Bio-Logic Science Instruments as a Business Development Manager and at MediCom Scientific Corporation as a Business Unit Manager, Dr. Bitar ventured into starting up his own company.  Learn more about our colleague, Dr. Ziad Bitar, on his LinkedIn profile.

His expertise in the broad field of electrochemistry is a great asset for Pine Research and most importantly to our European customers.  Equilabrium is not only able to offer local sales support, but can also support your technical and scientific needs.  Pine Research works very closely with Equilabrium to ensure that our European customers receive the same exceptional customer service and technical support they loved about Pine Research.

GDCh Logo Dr. Tim Paschkewitz from Pine Research and Dr. Ziad Bitar from Equilabrium will travel to Ulm, Germany for the upcoming GDCh Electrochemistry 2018 meeting.  They will be at the exhibition with the new WaveDriver 200 Integrated Bipotentiostat with EIS and the WaveVortex 10 Electrode Rotator.  If you haven’t yet met Dr. Bitar, please be sure to stop by the booth and introduce yourself.  Dr. Bitar enjoys learning about your research and can help you find the perfect Pine Research product to support your research.  You can also contact Dr. Bitar directly at with any questions or needs.  As always, our European customers can always communicate directly with us at Pine Research, but all sales are now processed through Equilabrium in Europe.