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WaveDriver 40 Spectroelectrochemistry System Bundle

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Purchase this product bundle with confidence. The team at Pine Research ensures all components are compatible and designed to work together. This bundle includes:

This bundle is perfect for a new lab startup, adding a new methodology to your research program or industrial applications, and/or increasing electrochemical exerpiment capacity in your lab.

Product Bundle

This is a product bundle, meaning several compatible products are included together. View the individual bundle products in the tab below.

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This product consists of separately available parts. View the parts list in the tab below.

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Purchase this product bundle with confidence. The team at Pine Research ensures all components are compatible and designed to work together. This bundle includes:

This bundle is perfect for a new lab startup, adding a new methodology to your research program or industrial applications, and/or increasing electrochemical exerpiment capacity in your lab.

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Includes Free Training Session!

Every purchase of a Pine Research electrochemical workstation includes a free one-hour online training session! Contact Pine Research to inquire about this free session.

Tip: Product Similarity

The WaveDriver 100 is a single channel electrochemical workstation with EIS, whereas the WaveDriver 200 is a two-channel bipotentiostat electrochemical workstation with EIS. The WaveDriver 40 does not have EIS, and is a two-channel bipotentiostat. Other specifications are shared among all current models of the WaveDriver Series.

Specify Power Cord

This product requires a power cord to connect to AC mains. Please specify the plug style used in your region when you order this product. We stock a variety of power cords.

WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation

The WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation is engineered to provide the essential hardware and software features you need at an affordable price. It supports a wide range of DC electroanalytical techniques. It offers current ranges up to ±1 A, potential ranges up to ±15 V, advanced inputs/outputs, waveform filters, and iR compensation. The WaveDriver 40 is a high performance workstation with integrated bipotentiostat, which is ideal for use with stationary electrodes, RDE, RRDE, and RCE

AfterMath Blue - Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Organization Software

Licenses for our AfterMath® Blue software are included with the purchase of an Electrochemical Workstation. The licenses give you access to all of the DC methods that the WaveDriver 40 can perform. Pine Research does not charge extra for various categories of electrochemical techniques. If the instrument is capable of a method, you have access to it (no hidden costs). Here are some unique features of AfterMath Blue:

  • Instrument Control. When started, AfterMath automatically detects all compatible instrumentation attached to the computer and provides complete control over each instrument. It can simultaneously control multiple instruments and queue multiple experiments.
  • Flexible Plotting. AfterMath offers a powerful "drag-n-drop" feature for quickly copying and moving traces between plots, with precise control over various plot settings.
  • Scientific Units. Designed with scientific data in mind, AfterMath properly handles units, metric prefixes, and significant figures.
  • Data Archiving. A unique XML-based file format allows multiple related experiments to be stored in a single archive file, simplifying file management.
  • Tools and Transforms. Flexible tools allow precise measurement of quantities like peak height and area, with fundamental mathematical operations available on any trace.

Integrated UV/Vis Spectroelectrochemical System

The integrated UV/Vis spectroelectrochemical system allows you to control both the potentiostat and spectrometer with AfterMath Blue to ensure proper timing integration, seamless operation, and ease of use. AfterMath Blue interfaces to the Avantes fiber-optic based AvaSpec-ULS2048-EVO UV/Vis Spectrometer, enabling time resolved spectroelectrochemistry experiments. Central to the integrated system is the Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemistry Cell Kit.

Novel Honeycomb Electrode Cell Kit: The unique UV/Vis spectroelectrochemical cell features a patterned "honeycomb" electrode which mounts easily inside a thin-layer quartz cuvette. A special cuvette cap securely holds the honeycomb electrode card and a separate reference electrode in the proper position within the cuvette. Key features of the Honeycomb Electrode Cell kit are:

  • The Honeycomb electrode features screen-printed working, counter and reference electrode. Note, we recommend using external reference electrodes for the Honeycomb Cell Kit, sold separately.
  • The working electrode is perforated with a honeycomb pattern of holes which allow light to pass through the electrode. The active surface of the working electrode includes a metal coating along the inner walls of the holes. As light passes through the holes, the beam grazes the walls of each hole. Normally the path length of the electrochemically generated species is the diffusion layer near the surface of the electrode. With our honeycomb design the effective path length is the length of the honeycomb card (1.7 mm). As a result, molecules with low extinction coefficients are more easily detectable. Our quartz cuvette is slotted to fit the honeycomb electrode card. The slot also prevents electrogenerated species from diffusing away from the electrode during a spectroelectrochemistry experiment, further improving UV/Vis absorbance.
  • The honeycomb electrode is screen printed on a ceramic card, allowing it to be used for both aqueous and non-aqueous solvents. The dimensions of our slotted quartz cuvette is 12.5 mm × 12.5 mm × 45.0 mm, which is the standard size for most UV/Vis spectrometer cuvette holders.

Fully Integrated: The UV/Vis spectroelectrochemical integrated system combines a Pine Research potentiostat and honeycomb spectroelectrochemical cell kit with an Avantes fiber-optic based UV/Vis spectrometer for complete spectroelectrochemistry system. Control of the potentiostat, UV/Vis spectrometer, and light source is run from our AfterMath® software. Gone are the days where manual operation of two independent instruments (potentiostat and spectrometer) with two separate software instances.

Custom Bundles: Each component of the integrated spectroelectrochemical system are independent. We have developed several product bundles to exactly fit your needs towards an integrated spectroelectrochemical cell kit. The various bundles include combinations of the spectrometer, honeycomb cell kit, Universal Specialty Cell Connection Kit and potentiostat to suite your specific experimental needs.

Applications: The system is fast, efficient, easy to use, and robust for applications from undergraduate education to high level research. Common experiments performed with spectroelectrochemistry include:

  • Measurement of Transient Chemical Species or Equilibrium Spectra
  • Determination of Electroactive Species Reduction Potential
  • Measurement of Electrochemical Kinetics
WaveDriver 40 Spectroelectrochemistry System Bundle is sold as a product bundle. Product bundles combine multiple products into one purchase. For details or to purchase additional items, visit the product page for any item in the bundle below.
Product Name
Part #
WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation
AvaSpec-ULS2048-EVO UV/Vis Spectrometer
Power Supply for AvaLight
Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemistry Cell Kit
Fiber Optic Cuvette Holder
Fiber Optic Cable
Spectroelectrochemistry Integration Cable, WaveNow XV and WaveDriver Series
WaveDriver Series USB Mini-B with Reference Breakout Cell Cable
Reference Electrode Kit, Silver Pseudo, LowProfile, Varapor, 62 mm Long
Cuvette Cover
AvaLight UV/Vis/NIR Light Source
WaveDriver 40 Spectroelectrochemistry System Bundle is sold as a product bundle. The data below aggregates the specifications for each product contained within the bundle.
WaveDriver 40 Spectroelectrochemistry System Bundle
Product Bundles
Product bundle
Bundle application
Education, General electrochemistry, Photoelectrochemistry, Spectroelectrochemistry
Bundled electrochemical workstation
WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation
Electrochemical Workstations
Electrode Connections
Reference electrode
Sense line with driven shield
Counter electrode
Drive line with grounded shield
Working electrode channels
Working electrode #1 (WK1)
Separate sense and drive lines, each with driven shield (current measurement via passive shunt)
Working electrode #2 (WK2)
N/A, Separate sense and drive lines, each with driven shield (current measurement via transimpedance amplifier)
Ground Connections
DC common (signal)
The DC Common is isolated from the USB port, the instrument chassis and earth ground. The DC Common is accessible via a banana binding post (black) on the back panel.
Chassis terminal
The instrument chassis terminal is accessible via a banana binding post (metal) on the back panel. The GRAY banana plug on the cell cable also provides a chassis connection.
No direct connection to earth ground is provided.
Measured Current (Potentiostatic Mode)
Current ranges (measured)
±1 A, ±100 mA, ±10 mA, ±1 mA, ±100 µA, ±10 µA, ±1 µA, ±100 nA
Current resolution at each range (measured)
31.3 µA, 3.13 µA, 313 nA, 31.3 nA, 3.13 nA, 313 pA, 31.3 pA, 3.13 pA
Practical current range
20 pA to 1 A
DC accuracy (current, measured)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DC leakage current
<10 pA at 25°C
AC accuracy (measured)
AC leakage current
ADC input
16 bits
Filters (for DC Experiments)
10 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 kHz, 100 Hz, 30 Hz, 10 Hz
Applied Current (Galvanostatic Mode)
Current ranges (applied)
±1 A, ±100 mA, ±10 mA, ±1 mA, ±100 µA, ±10 µA, ±1 µA, ±100 nA
Current resolution at each range (applied)
31.3 µA, 3.13 µA, 313 nA, 31.3 nA, 3.13 nA, 313 pA, 31.3 pA, 3.13 pA
DC accuracy (current, applied)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DAC output (current)
16 bits
Power Amplifier (Counter Electrode Amplifier)
Output current
±1 A (maximum)
Short circuit current limit
10 mA - 100 nA ranges: <200 mA, 1A, 100 mA ranges: <1.3 A
Compliance voltage
±17 V
>2.5 MHz (on fastest speed setting)
Noise and ripple
<35 µV RMS in 2 MHz bandwidth
Slew rate/rise time
10 V/µs (on fastest speed setting)
Electrometer (Reference Electrode Amplifier)
Input impedance
>10¹³ in parallel with <10 pF
Input current
<10 pA leakage/bias current at 25°C
>100 dB, 0 - 1 kHz, >74 dB at 10 kHz
Electrometer bandwidth
>15 MHz (3 dB)
Measured Potential
Potential ranges (measured)
±10 V, ±15 V, ±2.5 V
Potential resolution at each range (measured)
313 µV per ADC bit, 469 µV per ADC bit, 78 µV per ADC bit
DC accuracy (potential, measured)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
ADC output
16 bits
Filters (for DC Experiments)
10 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 kHz, 100 Hz, 30 Hz, 10 Hz
Applied Potential (Potentiostatic Mode)
Potential ranges (applied)
±10 V, ±15 V, ±2.5 V
Potential resolution at each range (applied)
313 µV per DAC bit, 469 µV per DAC bit, 78 µV per DAC bit
DC accuracy (potential, applied)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DAC output (potential)
16 bits
CV sweep rate (minimum)
10 µV/s
CV sweep rate (maximum)
75 V/s
Data Acquisition (for DC Experiments)
Clock resolution
10 ns (minimum time base)
Point interval
80 µs (minimum)
Simultaneous current and potential input
Raw point total
<10 million per experiment
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
EIS capable
EIS frequency range
EIS frequency resolution
EIS frequency stability
Voltage excitation setpoint
Current excitation setpoint
Frequency sweeping
EIS accuracy
Rotator Control Connections
Rotator connector A
7-pin mini circular DIN includes analog and digital signal grounds, digital rotator enable signal (+15 V max), auxiliary digital output signal, and analog rotation rate control signal
Rotator connector B
3-pin connector includes analog signal ground, digital rotator enable signal (+15 V max), and analog rotation rate control signal
Rate control signal
±10 V, ±2.5 V
Digital enable signal
Open drain with 4.7 kΩ pull up to +5 V (TTL compatible)
Dummy cell
External dummy cell included
Cell cable
Combination D-SUB connector to multiple banana plugs via shielded coaxial cables (included)
Auxiliary Connections
Connector C
9-pin DSUB connector that includes DC Common, two digital output signals, and two digital input signals
Trigger input
BNC female, TTL compatible
Trigger output
BNC female, TTL compatible
Potential (E1) output
BNC female, ±15 V, ±10 V, ±2.5 V output, ±0.5% accuracy
Current (I1) output
BNC female, ±10 V output, scaled to current range, ±0.5% accuracy
Potential (E2) output
BNC female, ±15 V, ±10 V, ±2.5 V output, ±0.5% accuracy
Current (I2) output
BNC female, ±10 V output, scaled to current range, ±0.5% accuracy
Auxiliary analog input
BNC female, ±10 V differential input, 313 µV resolution, 0.2% accuracy (available when second working electrode not in use)
Auxiliary analog output
BNC female, ±10 V bipolar output, 313 µV resolution, 0.2% accuracy (available when second working electrode not in use)
WK1 input
BNC female, ±10V differential input, 20 kΩ impedance, ±0.5% accuracy; allows external waveform to be summed directly to the working electrode excitation signal
WK2 input
BNC female, ±10V differential input, 20 kΩ impedance, ±0.5% accuracy; allows external waveform to be summed directly to the working electrode excitation signal
Power input
24 VDC (±5%), 5.0 A (low voltage DC device)
Power supply input
100 - 240 VAC, 1.4 - 0.7 A, 50 - 60 Hz
Power supply output
24 VDC, 5.0 A power supply (included) has a C14 type input connector
Power cord
Various international cables sold separately (C13 type)
LED indicators
Power, USB, and status
Instrument dimensions
160 × 324 × 255 mm (6.3 × 12.75 × 10.0 in)
Workstation shipping dimensions
254 × 356 × 457 mm (10 × 14 × 18 in)
Instrument weight
4.6 kg (10.2 lb)
Workstation shipping weight
7.7 kg (17 lb)
Temperature range
10°C - 40°C
Humidity range
80% RH maximum, non-condensing
Workstation modes
Galvanostat (GAL), Open-Circuit Potential (OCP), Potentiostat (POT), Zero-Resistance Ammeter (ZRA)
Wireless capable
Spectroelectrochemistry Integration Cable, WaveNow XV and WaveDriver Series
Cable type
Cable terminal A type
Plug, Terminal Block, Green, 3-pin
Cable terminal B type
Plug, D-SUB HD 15-pin
Cable terminal C type
Plug, D-SUB HD 26-pin
Cable length
6 ft
Cable color
Cable instrument compatibility
Avantes UV/Vis Spectrometer/Light Source, WaveDriver series electrochemical workstation, WaveNow XV electrochemical workstation
WaveDriver Series USB Mini-B with Reference Breakout Cell Cable
Cable type
Workstation cell cable
Cable terminal A type
Plug, D-SUB 17-pin + 7 Coax
Cable terminal B type
Plug, USB Type Mini B with Socketed Reference Electrode Lead
Cable length
3 ft
Cable color
Cable instrument compatibility
WaveDriver series electrochemical workstation
Workstation Cell Cable
Number of cell cable leads
Two (2) in a single USB plug with One (1) socketed reference lead
Cell cable lead termination
Plug, USB Mini-B with Socketed Reference Electrode Lead
Reference Electrode Kit, Silver Pseudo, LowProfile, Varapor, 62 mm Long
Reference Electrodes
Reference chemistry
Ag/Ag⁺ (pseudo reference)
Reference size type
Reference electrode body diameter
Reference electrode length
62 mm
Reference frit material
Reference electrode connection style
1 mm metal pin
WaveDriver 40 Spectroelectrochemistry System Bundle is sold as a simple product; however, customers may wish to order replacement or additional components of this product. We call these "parts" of the product. Should you want more details on individual parts of this product or wish to order an additional or replacement part, refer to the list of parts below with links to their product page.
Product Name
Part #
WaveDriver 200/WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation Cell Cable
Universal Dummy Cell, Modular
WaveDriver 40/100/200 Power Supply
Power Cords
Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemistry Cell Kit Component: Quartz Cuvette (Cuvette Only)
Document #
WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation User Guide
Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemical Cell Kit User Guide

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