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Electrode Polishing Kit

Part Number

Electrode polishing is a rite of passage in electrochemistry.  While it is not the most exciting part of doing electrochemistry, it is necessary and essential as a routine practice.  You should always use high quality polishing materials, to ensure electrode surfaces are kept clean without damaging or overly scratching their precious surfaces.  The polishing kit contains a variety of materials to cover all types of electrode polishing, from routine to more aggressive polishing.  The Pine Research electrode polishing guide references how to use the products in this kit for different types of electrode polishing. View the parts contained in this kit below, if you need to order only part of the polishing kit.

Product Kit

This product is sold as a kit, meaning it consists of multiple independent products used together. View the individual kit products in the tab below.

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Electrode polishing is a rite of passage in electrochemistry.  While it is not the most exciting part of doing electrochemistry, it is necessary and essential as a routine practice.  You should always use high quality polishing materials, to ensure electrode surfaces are kept clean without damaging or overly scratching their precious surfaces.  The polishing kit contains a variety of materials to cover all types of electrode polishing, from routine to more aggressive polishing.  The Pine Research electrode polishing guide references how to use the products in this kit for different types of electrode polishing. View the parts contained in this kit below, if you need to order only part of the polishing kit.

More Detail
Kit Products
Read our Polishing Guide

Be sure to read our Electrode Polishing Guide to learn best practices in electrode polishing. This guide describes the components of the electrode polishing kit and how to best use them for optimal results.

Use Extreme Caution

Routine polishing of electrodes is a common and necessary practice. The Electrode Polishing Kit includes products for this routine cleaning, but it also contains products for more aggressive polishing, including complete re-polish. Use extreme caution with aggressive and complete re-polishing of electrodes. We recommend you Contact Us before attempting these types of polishing. We can offer you some tips and extra advice to help prevent irreversible damage of expensive electrodes!

Polishing Pad Descriptions

Polishing Pad Descriptions

Routine, daily polishing of a precision electrode surface is normally accomplished using a slurry of sub-micron alumina particles.  The slurry is deposited on a special microcloth and then the electrode is pressed into the slurry and carefully polished against the alumina particles.

At the end of a series of tests, the surface of an electrode should normally be polished using an ultrafine slurry of 0.05 µm alumina particles.  This slurry is usually sufficient for preparing the electrode surface for the next set of tests. In the event that a slightly more aggressive resurfacing is required (i.e., if a thin film has fouled the electrode surface), then a fine slurry of 0.3 µm alumina particles can be used first to remove the film.  Then, after the film is removed, the surface can be polished with the ultrafine 0.05 µm alumina slurry.

A far less frequent "coarse polishing" of the electrode surface involves larger alumina particles (5 µm) and should only be performed if the electrode has a noticeable scratch or has been fouled with a thick layer of unwanted material.

Pine Research offers a 5 µm alumina slurry that is normally used in conjunction with a hard nylon polishing cloth.

Electrode Polishing Kit is sold as a product kit. Product kits contain more than one product when purchased. Should you want more details on a specific part in the kit or wish to order an additional or replacement of a component, you can visit the product page for any item in the kit below.
Product Name
Part #
0.05 um Alumina Suspension
Ultrafine Alumina Slurry (0.05 µm, 16 oz bottle)
0.3 um Alumina Suspension
Fine Alumina Slurry (0.30 µm, 16 oz bottle)
5 um Alumna Suspension
Coarse Alumina Slurry (5.0 µm, 16 oz bottle)
Microcloth Polishing Pads
Microcloth Polishing Disks (pack of 20)
Nylon Polishing Pads
Nylon Polishing Disks (pack of 20)
Complete Repolishing Pads
Silicon Carbide Polishing Disks (pack of 100)
Electrode Polishing Kit is sold as a product kit. The data below aggregates the specifications for each product contained within the kit.
Ultrafine Alumina Slurry (0.05 µm, 16 oz bottle)
Alumina particle size
0.05 µm
Product volume
16 ounces
Cleaning style
Routine (fine)
Fine Alumina Slurry (0.30 µm, 16 oz bottle)
Alumina particle size
0.3 µm
Product volume
16 ounces
Cleaning style
Periodic (light aggresive)
Coarse Alumina Slurry (5.0 µm, 16 oz bottle)
Alumina particle size
5 µm
Product volume
16 ounces
Cleaning style
Microcloth Polishing Disks (pack of 20)
Cleaning style
Routine (fine)
Polishing Material
Pack size
Nylon Polishing Disks (pack of 20)
Cleaning style
Periodic (light aggresive)
Polishing Material
Pack size
Silicon Carbide Polishing Disks (pack of 100)
Cleaning style
Complete Repolish
Polishing Material
Silicon Carbide
Pack size
When possible, we add published articles, theses and dissertations, and books to our references library. When we know this product has been used, we will include it in this list below. If you have a reference where our product was used and it's not in this list, please contact us with the details and we will add it.
  1. Nisa et al. Design and Optimization of Critical-Raw-Material-Free Electrodes towards the Performance Enhancement of Microbial Fuel Cells. Catalysts, 2024, 14, 385.
  2. San Roman et al. Engineering Three-Dimensional (3D) Out-of-Plane Graphene Edge Sites for Highly Selective Two-Electron Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysis. ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 1993-2008.
Document #
Pine Research Electrode Polishing Guide
For this product, any applicable SDS will be listed here by category. You can view or download the SDS by clicking the appropriate button.
Material Group
Material Name
Electrode Polishing Materials
Grinding Disk
Electrode Polishing Materials
5 µm Aluminum Oxide Suspension (Alumina)
Electrode Polishing Materials
0.05 µm Aluminum Oxide Suspension (Alumina)
Electrode Polishing Materials
0.3 µm Aluminum Oxide Suspension (Alumina)

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