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Gas Bubbler/Humidifier, 15 mL Solvent

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This chemistry gas bubbler/humidifier hold approximately 15 mL of solvent, and can be used with our Low Volume Series Cells or Standard Volume Series Cells. If larger volume bubblers/humidifiers are needed, those may be available upon request. Adding a line to saturate or de-gas an electrolyte solution, particularly for low volume and/or highly volatile solvents, can sometimes result in evaporation and loss of electrolyte over time. Introducing a gas bubbler/humidifier filled with solvent allows the gas stream to be humidified prior to bubbling. Solvent evaporation can thereby be reduced or eliminated using this accessory.

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This chemistry gas bubbler/humidifier hold approximately 15 mL of solvent, and can be used with our Low Volume Series Cells or Standard Volume Series Cells. If larger volume bubblers/humidifiers are needed, those may be available upon request. Adding a line to saturate or de-gas an electrolyte solution, particularly for low volume and/or highly volatile solvents, can sometimes result in evaporation and loss of electrolyte over time. Introducing a gas bubbler/humidifier filled with solvent allows the gas stream to be humidified prior to bubbling. Solvent evaporation can thereby be reduced or eliminated using this accessory.

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