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HandsOff Disk Assembly, Glassy Carbon (GC)

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This HandsOff disk assembly combines the disk core for our E5TQ Series ChangeDisk Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) tips and E6R1 Series ChangeDisk Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode (RRDE) tips with a glassy carbon disk insert. The two materials are fused together as one piece, allowing the researcher to mount the disk into the electrode tip without having to touch the disk insert surface. This pieceis ideal for experiments where it is critical to avoid physical contact with the electrode surface, even when performing ChangeDisk operations.

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This HandsOff disk assembly combines the disk core for our E5TQ Series ChangeDisk Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE) tips and E6R1 Series ChangeDisk Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode (RRDE) tips with a glassy carbon disk insert. The two materials are fused together as one piece, allowing the researcher to mount the disk into the electrode tip without having to touch the disk insert surface. This pieceis ideal for experiments where it is critical to avoid physical contact with the electrode surface, even when performing ChangeDisk operations.

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Material Group
Material Name
Carbon Materials
Glassy Carbon (GC)

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