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Reference Electrode, Silver/Silver Chloride, Double Junction

Part Number

The standard-sized, double junction, silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrode is filled with 10% KNO3 solution. The internal reference electrode solution, which cannot be accessed or changed, is 4 M KCl with AgCl. The outer filling solution can be refreshed as usual. The use of a non-halogen containing electrolyte as the external filling solution is to eliminate the concern over halogen interference with the electrochemical reaction, whether in solution or at the working electrode interface. The refrerence electrode body is 9.5 mm OD, therefore ideally used with Standard volume electrochemical cells. The reference electrode is designed to be pass through a 14/20 ground glass joint and held in place by the included PTFE adapter, which can be adjusted to control the immersion depth of the reference electrode into the cell. Pine Research recommends proper storage and use of reference electrodes. A variety of useful tools for storage and care are shown below.

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The standard-sized, double junction, silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrode is filled with 10% KNO3 solution. The internal reference electrode solution, which cannot be accessed or changed, is 4 M KCl with AgCl. The outer filling solution can be refreshed as usual. The use of a non-halogen containing electrolyte as the external filling solution is to eliminate the concern over halogen interference with the electrochemical reaction, whether in solution or at the working electrode interface. The refrerence electrode body is 9.5 mm OD, therefore ideally used with Standard volume electrochemical cells. The reference electrode is designed to be pass through a 14/20 ground glass joint and held in place by the included PTFE adapter, which can be adjusted to control the immersion depth of the reference electrode into the cell. Pine Research recommends proper storage and use of reference electrodes. A variety of useful tools for storage and care are shown below.

Compatibility Notice

Avoid using this reference electrode with the following: NH3 buffers, sulfides, perchlorates, non-aqueous/organic solvents, and alkaline solutions stronger than 0.1M OH.

Thermal Stability Range: 10°C - 80°C

Electrode damage may occur at temperatures beyond recommended range. This range is provided for electrodes with PEEK shrouds.

Electrochemical Cell
Frit material
Reference Electrodes
Reference chemistry
Standard potential
+199 mV vs NHE
Reference size type
Reference electrode body diameter
Reference electrode length
19 cm
External fill solution
10% KNO₃
When possible, we add published articles, theses and dissertations, and books to our references library. When we know this product has been used, we will include it in this list below. If you have a reference where our product was used and it's not in this list, please contact us with the details and we will add it.
  1. Chen et al. The promoting effect of tetravalent cerium on the oxygen evolution activity of copper oxide catalysts. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 31545-31552.
Document #
Reference Electrode Storage and Master Reference Electrodes
Overview of Reference Electrode Operation and Alternative Reference Electrodes
For this product, any applicable SDS will be listed here by category. You can view or download the SDS by clicking the appropriate button.
Material Group
Material Name
Reference Electrode Filling Solutions
10% Potassium Nitrate (KNO₃)

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