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Reference Electrode, Mercury/Mercury Oxide, Alkaline Resistant, Single Junction

Part Number

The standard-sized, single junction, alkaline resistant mercury/mercury oxide (Hg/HgO) reference electrode is filled with 4.24M KOH solution. The refrerence electrode body is 9.5 mm OD, therefore ideally used with Standard volume electrochemical cells, especially the alkaline resistant RDE/RRDE cell kit. The reference electrode is designed to be pass through a 14/20 style joint and held in place by the included PTFE adapter, which can be adjusted to control the immersion depth of the reference electrode into the cell. This reference electrode does not contain any glass or ceramic parts, and is therefore resistant to strong alkaline conditions. Pine Research recommends proper storage and use of reference electrodes. A variety of useful tools for storage and care are shown below.

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The standard-sized, single junction, alkaline resistant mercury/mercury oxide (Hg/HgO) reference electrode is filled with 4.24M KOH solution. The refrerence electrode body is 9.5 mm OD, therefore ideally used with Standard volume electrochemical cells, especially the alkaline resistant RDE/RRDE cell kit. The reference electrode is designed to be pass through a 14/20 style joint and held in place by the included PTFE adapter, which can be adjusted to control the immersion depth of the reference electrode into the cell. This reference electrode does not contain any glass or ceramic parts, and is therefore resistant to strong alkaline conditions. Pine Research recommends proper storage and use of reference electrodes. A variety of useful tools for storage and care are shown below.

Warning: Product Contains Mercury

To function properly, this electrode necessarily contains a small amount of mercury. The maximum amount of mercury in this electrode is 1.8 grams. Use proper personal protective equipment during use. Store safely. Follow all environmental waste protocols and procedures.

Info: Select Product Availability

This product is not available in all countries. Air transit may be prohibited.

Compatibility Notice

Avoid using this reference electrode with the following: acids, cations that will form insoluble hydroxides, and non-aqueous/organic solvents

Thermal Stability Range: 10°C - 100°C

Electrode damage may occur at temperatures beyond recommended range.

Electrochemical Cell
Frit material
Reference Electrodes
Reference chemistry
Standard potential
+98 mV vs NHE
Reference size type
Reference electrode body diameter
Reference electrode length
20 cm
External fill solution
4.24 M KOH
Document #
Reference Electrode Storage and Master Reference Electrodes
Overview of Reference Electrode Operation and Alternative Reference Electrodes
For this product, any applicable SDS will be listed here by category. You can view or download the SDS by clicking the appropriate button.
Material Group
Material Name
Reference Electrode Materials
Mercury Oxide (HgO)
Reference Electrode Materials
Mercury (Hg)
Reference Electrode Filling Solutions
4.24 M Potassium Hydroxide (KOH)

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