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WaveNano USB Potentiostat / Galvanostat
(measure currents from 1 mA down to 100 pA)

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WaveNano USB Potentiostat / Galvanostat
(measure currents from 1 mA down to 100 pA)

Electrochemical Workstations
Electrode Connections
Reference electrode
Sense line with driven shield
Counter electrode
Drive line with grounded shield
Working electrode channels
Working electrode #1 (WK1)
Separate sense and drive lines, each with driven shield (current measurement via passive shunt)
Working electrode #2 (WK2)
Ground Connections
DC common (signal)
The DC Common is accessible via the black banana plug on the cell cable and the center pin on the Rotator Control Port
Chassis terminal
The metal case (chassis) is connected to the shield on the Cell Port and the shield on the USB Port.
No direct connection to earth ground is provided.
Measured Current (Potentiostatic Mode)
Current ranges (measured)
±1 mA, ±50 µA, ±2 µA, ±100 nA
Current resolution at each range (measured)
34 nA, 1.7 nA, 68 pA, 3.4 pA
Practical current range
20 pA to 1 mA
DC accuracy (current, measured)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DC leakage current
<10 pA at 25°C
AC accuracy (measured)
AC leakage current
ADC input
16 bits
Filters (for DC Experiments)
2.5 kHz
Applied Current (Galvanostatic Mode)
Current ranges (applied)
±1 mA, ±50 µA, ±2 µA, ±100 nA
Current resolution at each range (applied)
34 nA, 1.7 nA, 68 pA, 3.4 pA
DC accuracy (current, applied)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DAC output (current)
16 bits
Power Amplifier (Counter Electrode Amplifier)
Output current
±1 mA (maximum)
Short circuit current limit
Compliance voltage
±12 V
>20 kHz (on fastest speed setting)
Noise and ripple
Slew rate/rise time
180 V/ms (on fastest speed setting)
Electrometer (Reference Electrode Amplifier)
Input impedance
>10¹⁴ in parallel with <10 pF
Input current
<2 pA leakage/bias current at 25°C
> 50 dB at 10 kHz, 80 dB at 60 Hz
Electrometer bandwidth
> 800 kHz (3 dB)
Measured Potential
Potential ranges (measured)
±4 V
Potential resolution at each range (measured)
136 µV per ADC bit
DC accuracy (potential, measured)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
ADC output
16 bits
Filters (for DC Experiments)
2.5 kHz
Applied Potential (Potentiostatic Mode)
Potential ranges (applied)
±4 V
Potential resolution at each range (applied)
125 µV per DAC bit
DC accuracy (potential, applied)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DAC output (potential)
16 bits
CV sweep rate (minimum)
10 µV/s
CV sweep rate (maximum)
10 V/s
Data Acquisition (for DC Experiments)
Clock resolution
500 ns (minimum time base)
Point interval
500 µs (minimum)
Simultaneous current and potential input
Raw point total
<10 million per experiment
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
EIS capable
EIS frequency range
EIS frequency resolution
EIS frequency stability
Voltage excitation setpoint
Current excitation setpoint
Frequency sweeping
EIS accuracy
Rotator Control Connections
Rotator connector A
Rotator connector B
4-pin connector includes chassis ground, rotator enable output signal (+15 V tolerant), analog signal ground (DC Common), and analog rotation rate control output signal
Rate control signal
±10 V
Digital enable signal
Open drain with 4.7 kΩ pull up to +4 V (TTL compatible), open drain (TTL compatible)
Dummy cell
External dummy cell included
Cell cable
HD-15 male connector to multiple banana plugs via shielded coaxial cables (included)
Auxiliary Connections
Connector C
Trigger input
Trigger output
Potential (E1) output
Current (I1) output
Potential (E2) output
Current (I2) output
Auxiliary analog input
Auxiliary analog output
WK1 input
WK2 input
Power input
5.0 VDC, 2 A (low voltage DC device)
Power supply input
100 to 240 VAC, 300 mA, 50 to 60 Hz
Power supply output
5 VDC, 2.0 A Power supply (included) has a C14 type input connector
Power cord
Various international cables sold separately (C13 type)
LED indicators
Power, USB, and status
Instrument dimensions
165 × 100 × 29 mm (6.5 × 3.9 × 1.1 in)
Workstation shipping dimensions
260 × 260 × 360 mm (10.2 × 10.2 × 14.2 in.)
Instrument weight
280 g (10 oz.)
Workstation shipping weight
1.4 kg (3 lb)
Temperature range
10°C - 40°C
Humidity range
80% RH maximum, non-condensing
Workstation modes
Potentiostat (POT), Galvanostat (GAL), Open-Circuit Potential (OCP), Zero-Resistance Ammeter (ZRA)
Wireless capable
When possible, we add published articles, theses and dissertations, and books to our references library. When we know this product has been used, we will include it in this list below. If you have a reference where our product was used and it's not in this list, please contact us with the details and we will add it.
  1. Guan et al. The Microstructure, Antimicrobial Properties, and Corrosion Resistance of Cu-Bearing Strip Cast Steel. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2025, 22, 1901265.
  2. Zhang et al. The interaction of sodium mercaptobenzothiazole with gold electrode and nanorod surfaces. Minerals Engineering, 2025, 96, 135–142.
  3. Li and Nealson Enriching distinctive microbial communities from marine sediments via an electrochemical-sulfide-oxidizing process on carbon electrodes.. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2025, 6, 111.
  4. Li et al. Influence of alkyl chain length and anion species on ionic liquid structure at the graphite interface as a function of applied potential. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2025, 26, 284115.
  5. Cui et al. Mo2N/C hybrid material as a promising support for the electro-oxidation of methanol and formic acid. Electrochemistry Communications, 2025, 33, 63-67.
  6. Klementiev and Whiteley Development of a Versatile, Low-Cost Electrochemical System to Study Biofilm Redox Activity at the Micron Scale. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2025, 0, e00434-22.
  7. Kader and Chusuei A Cobalt (II) Oxide Carbon Nanotube Composite to Assay Dopamine. Chemosensors, 2020, 8, 22.
  8. Sullivan et al. Voltammetric codetection of arsenic(III) and copper(II) in alkaline buffering system with gold nanostar modified electrodes. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1107, 63-73.
  9. Pandey et al. A Prussian Blue ZnO Carbon Nanotube Composite for Chronoamperometrically Assaying H2O2 in BT20 and 4T1 Breast Cancer Cells. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 10573-10581.
  10. McKenas et al. Thiol–Ene Modified Amorphous Carbon Substrates: Surface Patterning and Chemically Modified Electrode Preparation. Langmuir, 2016, , acs.langmuir.6b02961.
  11. Cooper et al. Tribotronic control of friction in oil-based lubricants with ionic liquid additives. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 23657-23662.
  12. Deb et al. Ascorbic acid, acetaminophen, and hydrogen peroxide detection using a dendrimer-encapsulated Pt nanoparticle carbon nanotube composite. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2016, 46, 289–298.
  13. Cui et al. Structurally Ordered Pt3Cr as Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst: Ordering Control and Origin of Enhanced Stability. Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 7538–7545.
  14. Wayu et al. A Zinc Oxide Carbon Nanotube Based Sensor for In Situ Monitoring of Hydrogen Peroxide in Swimming Pools. Electroanalysis, 2015, 27, 2552–2558.
  15. Mann and Bottomley Cyclic Square Wave Voltammetry of Surface-Confined Quasireversible Electron Transfer Reactions. Langmuir, 2015, 31, 9511–9520.
  16. Morsing et al. Stabilizing Coordinated Radicals via Metal–Ligand Covalency: A Structural, Spectroscopic, and Theoretical Investigation of Group 9 Tris(dithiolene) Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 54, 3660–3669.
  17. Carducci et al. Temperature Dependence of Solid-State Electron Exchanges of Mixed-Valent Ferrocenated Au Monolayer-Protected Clusters. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136, 11182–11187.
  18. Yang et al. Mesoporous Chromium Nitride as High Performance Catalyst Support for Methanol Electrooxidation. Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25, 1783–1787.
  19. Parisi et al. In situ synthesis of vertical 3-D copper-core/carbon-sheath nanowalls in microfluidic devices. RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 1388-1396.
  20. Yang et al. Mesoporous titanium nitride supported Pt nanoparticles as high performance catalysts for methanol electrooxidation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 15, 1088-1092.
  21. Cheng et al. Architecture-Dependent Surface Chemistry for Pt Monolayers on Carbon-Supported Au. ACS Applied Materials {&} Interfaces, 2011, 3, 3948–3956.
  22. Schumacher et al. Cathodic Preconcentration of f-Elements on a Mercury Film Carbon Fiber Disk Microelectrode. Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 4788–4793.

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