WaveNeuro Dual Channel Adapter (DCA)
The WaveNeuro Dual channel Adapter (DCA) expands the capabilities of the WaveNeuro FSCV Potentiostat. The DCA makes simultaneous two working electrode channel (headstage) use of the WaveNeuro. The DCA allows each working electrode channel to have the same or different waveform applied and can make the working electrode common the same reference electrode or to independent reference electrodes (less common). Paired with Pine Research headstage cable kits, you can expand your capabilities with the Pine Research Neuroelectrochemical products!
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The WaveNeuro Dual channel Adapter (DCA) expands the capabilities of the WaveNeuro FSCV Potentiostat. The DCA makes simultaneous two working electrode channel (headstage) use of the WaveNeuro. The DCA allows each working electrode channel to have the same or different waveform applied and can make the working electrode common the same reference electrode or to independent reference electrodes (less common). Paired with Pine Research headstage cable kits, you can expand your capabilities with the Pine Research Neuroelectrochemical products!