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Pine AfterMath FAQ: DPV Parameters

by | Jan 4, 2016 | Uncategorized

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      How do I use the sampling “pre-pulse width” and “post-pulse width” on the Differential Pulse Voltammetry method (DPV)?
This FAQ applies to versions 1.2.3208 and greater.


The Differential Pulse Voltammetry method (DPV) measures the difference in current before and after a voltammetric pulse. The parameters specify both an output pulse waveform and input sampling. The “pre-pulse width” and “post-pulse width” describe, with respect to the pulse, when the sampling of the “before” (background) current and “after” current should occur.

The following images describe the waveform and sampling parameters.

DPV from literature:

Additional information about the parameters can be found in the tabs below. Theoretical information can be foun at the following website: Detailed DPV overview

Note: the “Quite Time” is defined via the “Induction Period” on the “Advanced” tab.

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