
WaveDriver Power Supply


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This 24 VDC (4.2A) power supply provides power to the WaveDriver 10 Potentiostat and the WaveDriver 20 Bipotentiostat.

The supply is compatible with any power source capable of providing 100 to 240 VAC (50 or 60 Hz) to the standard C13 input connector on the power supply.

One power supply is included with each purchase of a new WaveDriver potentiostat system.

NOTE: The power cord is sold separately. Pine Research offers a variety of international power cords compatible with the standard C13 connector on the power supply.

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# Description Price in USD
Power Supply

Power Supply for WaveDriver 10/20 System (power cord is not included)

Power Cords (sold separately)

Power Cord for USA & Canada & Mexico (may also be used in Brazil, Columbia, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and Taiwan)


Power Cord for Continental Europe (for use throughout most of Europe, also Russia and Indonesia)


Power Cord for United Kingdom (for use in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Oman)

Other Cords

Power cords for many other countries are also available.

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