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And the Winner is….

by | Dec 11, 2015 | Uncategorized


Laurence Danis from McGill University

Congratulations Laurence!  What a hard decision! We had some amazing pictures submitted for our “Where In The World Is Dr. Reducks” contest; a true illustration of our customer’s creativity. After a company-wide vote (including our manufacturing plants), we are pleased to announce the winning picture. Congratulations to Laurence Danis and the rest of her group at McGill University.

We were so impressed with the photo entries, we decided to award first and second runner-up prizes. Congratulations to Gessie Brissard (University of Sherbrooke) and Rachel McKerracher (University of Southampton). First prize wins a WaveNow potentiostat, Second prize gets $750 Pine credit and third gets $350 Pine credit.

On behalf of the entire Pine Research Instrumentation family, I’d like to thank everyone who participated in the contest. Keep a lookout for more fun contests on my Facebook page in 2016.