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AfterMath: The Home View

by | Jan 4, 2016 | Uncategorized

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    This article is part of the AfterMath Data Organizer User’s Guide

After logging into the AfterMath system, the first “view” you will see on the screen is the “Home” view. The Home view contains several useful options, including the ability to rapidly start common experiments, open or create data archives, and several links to Pine's web site.


The Home view offers 4 main actions: perform an experiment, open an archive, create a plot, and pine interactive. More information about each section is detailed below.

[toggle title=”Perform an Experiment” id=”perform_an_experiment”]

This section of the Home view lists several very common experiments. To perform one of these experiments, simply click on the link for the desired experiment, and a new (blank) specification for that type of experiment is created in the archive. More about how to perform experiments on instruments can be found later in this manual (click here).

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Open an Archive” id=”open_an_archive”]

This section of the Home view displays a list of links to the most recent archives that you have used. Clicking on one of these links automatically opens the archive so that you can view its contents.

There is also a link which allows you to create a new archive. If you click on this link, a new (unnamed and empty) archive is created. The new archive is not actually created on the hard drive unless you put some data into the archive and save it to a particular archive file.

[/toggle] [toggle title = “Create a Plot” id=”create_a_plot”]

This section of the Home view lets you create a new plot (either an empty plot or a plot showing data from a previously opened archive).

Create an Empty Plot

This option simply creates a new (empty) plot in the archive. You can add traces to the plot by copying or dragging them from other plots.

Plot Existing Data

This option creates a new plot using data from a previously opened archive. When you click on this option, a dialog box appears (see below) which lets you select which data from the archive should be placed on the new plot.

[/toggle] [toggle title = “Pine Interactive” id=”pine_interactive”]

This section of the Home view contains several useful links for navigating directly to Pine's web site. Use these links to send a message to Pine, to view Pine's commmercial e-commerce web site, or to reach the on-line AfterMath support site.

[call_to_action color=”blue” button_text=”     AfterMath Support” button_url=”” layout=”vertical” target=”_blank”] The main support page for the AfterMath Data Organizer software can be accessed directly from the Pine Interactive options. [/call_to_action]
[call_to_action color=”blue” button_text=”     Pine Research Instrumentation” button_url=”” layout=”vertical” target=”_blank”]

The commercial web site for Pine Research Instrumentation can be accessed directly from the Pine Interactive options. [/call_to_action]

[call_to_action color=”blue” button_text=”     Contact Us” button_url=”” button_icon=”envelope” button_icon=”phone” button_icon_position=”left” layout=”vertical” target=”_blank”] For additional assistance and convenience, researchers may wish to contact Pine Research Instrumentation directly. [/call_to_action]

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