E1B Series Stationary Working Electrode, Platinum (Pt), PCTFE shroud
This product has been discontinued and can no longer be purchased. The product remains on our website for reference and a listing of its specifications. We suggest purchasing the replacement product, E1P Series Stationary Working Electrode, Platinum (Pt), 85 mm length, PTFE shroud.
The E1B series stationary working electrode is a simple and cost-effective working electrode with a PCTFE shroud. They are ideally designed for use with any of our Low Volume Cell Kits, where the electrode fits through the larger holes in the Low Volume Cell Cap Kit. These electrodes feature an inlaid disk geometry for the working electrode material.
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The E1B series stationary working electrode is a simple and cost-effective working electrode with a PCTFE shroud. They are ideally designed for use with any of our Low Volume Cell Kits, where the electrode fits through the larger holes in the Low Volume Cell Cap Kit. These electrodes feature an inlaid disk geometry for the working electrode material.