Rotation Rate Control Interface Cable, for WaveVortex 10 and MSR evo Rotators, WaveDriver Series and WaveNow XV
This cable interfaces the WaveDriver series and WaveNow XV electrochemical workstations to the WaveVortex 10 and the MSR evo electrode rotators. This cable allows for software-based control of rotation rate, via AfterMath Blue software, on a variety of electrochemical methods such as rotating ring-disk voltammetry. The cable connects to the 3-pin block connector on the electrochemical workstation to either the MSR evo Control Unit back panel (signal and ground, 8-pin block connector) or the side panel of the WaveVortex 10 (signal and ground, 8 pin-block connector).
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This cable interfaces the WaveDriver series and WaveNow XV electrochemical workstations to the WaveVortex 10 and the MSR evo electrode rotators. This cable allows for software-based control of rotation rate, via AfterMath Blue software, on a variety of electrochemical methods such as rotating ring-disk voltammetry. The cable connects to the 3-pin block connector on the electrochemical workstation to either the MSR evo Control Unit back panel (signal and ground, 8-pin block connector) or the side panel of the WaveVortex 10 (signal and ground, 8 pin-block connector).