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Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit Component: Cell (Cell Only)

Part Number

This disposable 20 mL vial is commonly used to hold the test solution when working with one of Pine Research’s Screen-Printed Electrode Cells, and is commonly referred to as a scintillation vial. Be advised to order the correct replacement as it may not be the typical vial your department normally orders. The neck finish on our vial is 24-400. Common scintillation vials with a neck finish of 24-200 will not fit our screen-printed electrode cell cap!

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This disposable 20 mL vial is commonly used to hold the test solution when working with one of Pine Research’s Screen-Printed Electrode Cells, and is commonly referred to as a scintillation vial. Be advised to order the correct replacement as it may not be the typical vial your department normally orders. The neck finish on our vial is 24-400. Common scintillation vials with a neck finish of 24-200 will not fit our screen-printed electrode cell cap!

Electrochemical Cell
Cell material
Cell volume (overall, max)
20 mL
Cell water jacket
Cell diameter
2.8 cm
Cell height
6.1 cm
Cell application
Stationary, Biosensing, Education
Cell series
Cell compatibility
Screen-Printed electrode cell series
Cell features

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