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Reference Electrode Salt Bridge Kit

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This salt bridge kit is used to physically and diffusionally isolate the reference electrode from the bulk solution. The salt bridge kit offers a conductive connection between the electrochemical cell (bulk solution) and a separate beaker containingthe same solution. Reference electrode instability is often caused by a high solution temperature or by a chemical or physical process that plugs the frit at the tip of the reference electrode.

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This salt bridge kit is used to physically and diffusionally isolate the reference electrode from the bulk solution. The salt bridge kit offers a conductive connection between the electrochemical cell (bulk solution) and a separate beaker containingthe same solution. Reference electrode instability is often caused by a high solution temperature or by a chemical or physical process that plugs the frit at the tip of the reference electrode.

More Detail

This salt bridge kit is used to physically and diffusionally isolate the reference electrode from the bulk solution. The salt bridge kit offers a conductive connection between the electrochemical cell (bulk solution) and a separate beaker containingthe same solution. There are several reasons why a reference electrode salt bridge may be useful:

  • When a reference electrode has the propensity to become unstable in bulk solution
  • When use of a specific reference electrode may cause contamination (i.e., chloride ion contamination from an Ag/AgCl reference electrode)
  • When the temperature of the cell meets or exceeds the recommended temperature limit for the reference electrode. Typically, the salt bridge electrolyte will be very slow to heat, keeping the reference electrode at a lower, and more stable, temperature

Reference electrode instability is often caused by a high solution temperature or by a chemical or physical process that plugs the frit at the tip of the reference electrode.

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