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Screen-Printed Electrode Cell Kit Component: SPE Grip/Mount (Grip Only)

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This grip mount features an edge card connector mounted on a printed circuit board along with two mini-B USB connectors. The edge card connector is compatible with various patterned electrode designs available separately from Pine Research. Multiple “spacers” might be required for different patterned electrodes due to the metal contact spacing. The circuit board connects the of working, counter, reference, and sense electrode signal lines from the two rows of the edge card connector to the two mini-USB connectors.

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This grip mount features an edge card connector mounted on a printed circuit board along with two mini-B USB connectors. The edge card connector is compatible with various patterned electrode designs available separately from Pine Research. Multiple “spacers” might be required for different patterned electrodes due to the metal contact spacing. The circuit board connects the of working, counter, reference, and sense electrode signal lines from the two rows of the edge card connector to the two mini-USB connectors.