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WaveDriver 200/WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation Cell Cable

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This cell cable is for use with the WaveDriver 200 and WaveDriver 40 electrochemical workstations.  The cable mounts to the D-SUB cell port on the front of the workstation and breaks out the main cell connections to color-coded banana plugs. A set of seven alligator clips that slide on to the banana plugs is included with the cell cable. This cell cable is included with the purchase of a compatible electrochemical workstation.

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This cell cable is for use with the WaveDriver 200 and WaveDriver 40 electrochemical workstations.  The cable mounts to the D-SUB cell port on the front of the workstation and breaks out the main cell connections to color-coded banana plugs. A set of seven alligator clips that slide on to the banana plugs is included with the cell cable. This cell cable is included with the purchase of a compatible electrochemical workstation.

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Electrochemical Workstation Compatibility Notice

This product is only compatible with the WaveDriver 200 and WaveDriver 40 electrochemical workstations.

Typical Three Electrode Cell Cable Configuration

For typical three-electrode cell usage, the working electrode sense line (orange); should be shorted to the working electrode drive line (red) by connecting the banana plug from one into the backside port of the other; or, if using alligator clips, by connecting the alligator clips together on these two lines.

Typical Two Electrode Cell Cable Configuration

For typical two-electrode cell usage, the working electrode sense line (orange) should be shorted to the working electrode drive line (red) by connecting the banana plug from one into the backside port of the other. Similarly, the reference electrode line (white) should be shorted to the counter electrode line (green) by connecting the banana plug from one into the backside port of the other.

Connecting to a Rotator for Rotating Disk

When using this cable to make connections to a rotating disk electrode, plug the working drive line (red) banana plug into one of the red (disk) banana jacks on the rotator, and then plug the working sense line (orange) into the other red (disk) banana jacks on the rotator. If your rotator only has one disk (red) jack, then stack working drive and sense lines together, then insert the stacked line into each rotator disk jack.

Connecting to a Rotator for Rotating Ring-Disk

When using this cable to make connections to a rotating ring-disk electrode, plug the working 1 drive line (red) banana plug into one of the red (disk) banana jacks on the rotator, and then plug the working 1 sense line (orange) into the other red (disk) banana jacks on the rotator. Plug the working 2 drive line (blue) banana plug into one of the blue (ring) banana jacks on the rotator, and then plug the working 2 sense line (violet) into the other blue (ring) banana jacks on the rotator. If your rotator only has one disk (red) and one ring (blue) jack, then stack working drive and sense lines together, then insert the stacked line into each rotator disk or ring jacks.

This shielded cell cable is intended for use with the WaveDriver 200 and WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstations. The cable mounts in the D-SUB cell port on the front of the workstation and breaks out the main cell connections to color-coded banana plugs. A set of seven alligator clips which slide on to the banana plugs is also included in each kit. The color-coding on the banana plugs indicates each connection as follows:
Color Electrode
Red Working Electrode 1 (drive)
Orange Working Electrode 1 (sense)
Green Counter Electrode
White Reference Electrode
Blue Working Electrode 2 (drive)
Violet Working Electrode 2 (sense)
Gray Instrument Chassis (ground)
The WaveDriver 200/WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation Cell Cable is available as part of a product bundle. A product bundle is a combination of products that are compatible and often sold together for convenience and confidence. Below is a list of product bundles that contain WaveDriver 200/WaveDriver 40 Electrochemical Workstation Cell Cable.
Bundled with MSR evo Electrode Rotator and WaveDriver 200 Workstation
Bundle Name
Bundle Part #
WaveDriver 200 Electrochemical Workstation with MSR evo Electrode Rotator
Complete RDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 200, MSR evo, E5 Series RDE
WaveDriver 200 Electrochemical Workstation with MSR evo Electrode Rotator
Complete RDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 200, MSR evo, E5TQ Series RDE
WaveDriver 200 Electrochemical Workstation with MSR evo Electrode Rotator
Complete RRDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 200, MSR evo, E6R1 Series RRDE
WaveDriver 200 Electrochemical Workstation with MSR evo Electrode Rotator
Complete RRDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 200, MSR evo, E8R4 Series RRDE
Bundled with WaveVortex 10 Electrode Rotator and WaveDriver 200 Workstation
Bundle Name
Bundle Part #
WaveDriver 200 Electrochemical Workstation with MSR evo Electrode Rotator
Complete RDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 200, WaveVortex 10, E5 Series RDE
WaveDriver 200 Electrochemical Workstation with MSR evo Electrode Rotator
Complete RDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 200, WaveVortex 10, E5TQ Series RDE
WaveDriver 200 Electrochemical Workstation with MSR evo Electrode Rotator
Complete RRDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 200, WaveVortex 10, E6R1 Series RRDE
WaveDriver 200 Electrochemical Workstation with MSR evo Electrode Rotator
Complete RRDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 200, WaveVortex 10, E8R4 Series RRDE
Bundled with WaveDriver 200 Workstation, Honeycomb Cell, and UV/Vis Instrumentation
Bundle Name
Bundle Part #
WaveDriver 200 Spectroelectrochemistry System Bundle
Basic System Bundle (No Additional Products Included)
Bundle Name
Bundle Part #
WaveDriver 200 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat with EIS Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
WaveDriver 200 System Bundle
WaveDriver 40 System Bundle
Bundled with MSR evo Electrode Rotator and WaveDriver 40 Workstation
Bundle Name
Bundle Part #
Complete RDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 40, MSR evo, E5 Series RDE
Complete RDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 40, MSR evo, E5TQ Series RDE
Complete RRDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 40, MSR evo, E6R1 Series RRDE
Complete RRDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 40, MSR evo, E8R4 Series RRDE
Bundled with WaveVortex 10 Electrode Rotator and WaveDriver 40 Workstation
Bundle Name
Bundle Part #
Complete RDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 40, WaveVortex 10, E5 Series RDE
Complete RDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 40, WaveVortex 10, E5TQ Series RDE
Complete RRDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 40, WaveVortex 10, E6R1 Series RRDE
Complete RRDE System Bundle: WaveDriver 40, WaveVortex 10, E8R4 Series RRDE
Bundled with WaveDriver 40 Workstation, Honeycomb Cell, and UV/Vis Instrumentation
Bundle Name
Bundle Part #
WaveDriver 40 Spectroelectrochemistry System Bundle
Cable type
Workstation cell cable
Cable terminal A type
Plug, D-SUB 17-pin + 7 Coax
Cable length
3 ft
Cable color
Cable instrument compatibility
WaveDriver 200 electrochemical workstation, WaveDriver 40 electrochemical workstation
Workstation Cell Cable
Number of cell cable leads
Seven (7)
Cell cable lead colors
Working 1 (drive) [RED], Working 1 (sense) [ORANGE], Counter/Auxiliary [GREEN], Reference [WHITE], Working 2 (sense) [VIOLET], Working 2 (drive) [BLUE], Instrument Chassis (ground) [GRAY]
Cell cable lead termination
Banana Plug (4 mm)
Cell cable shielded lines
Working 1 (drive), Working 1 (sense), Counter, Reference, Working 2 (sense), Working 2 (drive)

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