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WaveDriver 20 DC Bipotentiostat

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The WaveDriver® 20 is a benchtop USB Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat System capable of performing a wide range of electroanalytical techniques. The WaveDriver is a cost-effective, yet powerful and versatile, benchtop instrument capable of performing a wide range of electroanalytical techniques. With a modest form factor and convenient USB interface, the WaveDriver 20 packs a punch with iR compensation, ability to form over 38 different electrochemical techniques, and controlled through AfterMath® Data Organizer software. The WaveDriver 20 is a true bipotentiostat, which means two working electrode channels to a common counter and reference electrode, ideal for experiments such as rotating ring-disk analysis.

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The WaveDriver® 20 is a benchtop USB Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat System capable of performing a wide range of electroanalytical techniques. The WaveDriver is a cost-effective, yet powerful and versatile, benchtop instrument capable of performing a wide range of electroanalytical techniques. With a modest form factor and convenient USB interface, the WaveDriver 20 packs a punch with iR compensation, ability to form over 38 different electrochemical techniques, and controlled through AfterMath® Data Organizer software. The WaveDriver 20 is a true bipotentiostat, which means two working electrode channels to a common counter and reference electrode, ideal for experiments such as rotating ring-disk analysis.

Electrochemical Workstations
Electrode Connections
Reference electrode
Sense line with driven shield
Counter electrode
Drive line with grounded shield
Working electrode channels
Working electrode #1 (WK1)
Separate sense and drive lines, each with driven shield (current measurement via passive shunt)
Working electrode #2 (WK2)
Separate sense and drive lines, each with driven shield (current measurement via passive shunt)
Ground Connections
DC common (signal)
The DC Common is isolated from the USB port, the instrument chassis and earth ground. The DC Common is accessible via a banana binding post (black) on the back panel.
Chassis terminal
The metal case (chassis) terminal is a banana binding post (back panel) which may optionally be used to connect the chassis to earth ground or signal ground to improve noise screening (shielding).
No direct connection to earth ground is provided.
Measured Current (Potentiostatic Mode)
Current ranges (measured)
±1 A, ±100 mA, ±10 mA, ±1 mA, ±100 µA, ±10 µA, ±1 µA, ±100 nA
Current resolution at each range (measured)
31.3 µA, 3.13 µA, 313 nA, 31.3 nA, 3.13 nA, 313 pA, 31.3 pA, 3.13 pA
Practical current range
100 pA to 1 A
DC accuracy (current, measured)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DC leakage current
<10 pA at 25°C
AC accuracy (measured)
AC leakage current
ADC input
16 bits
Filters (for DC Experiments)
10 Hz, 30 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz
Applied Current (Galvanostatic Mode)
Current ranges (applied)
±1 A, ±1 mA, ±100 µA, ±10 µA, ±1 µA, ±100 mA, ±10 mA, ±100 nA
Current resolution at each range (applied)
31.3 µA, 3.13 µA, 313 nA, 31.3 nA, 3.13 nA, 313 pA, 31.3 pA, 3.13 pA
DC accuracy (current, applied)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DAC output (current)
16 bits
Power Amplifier (Counter Electrode Amplifier)
Output current
±1 A (maximum)
Short circuit current limit
Compliance voltage
±16.5 V
>200 kHz (on fastest speed setting)
Noise and ripple
Slew rate/rise time
10 V/µs (on fastest speed setting)
Electrometer (Reference Electrode Amplifier)
Input impedance
>10¹³ in parallel with <10 pF
Input current
<10 pA leakage/bias current at 25°C
>100 dB, 0 - 1 kHz, >74 dB at 10 kHz
Electrometer bandwidth
>11 MHz (3 dB)
Measured Potential
Potential ranges (measured)
±15 V, ±10 V
Potential resolution at each range (measured)
469 µV per ADC bit, 313 µV per ADC bit
DC accuracy (potential, measured)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
ADC output
16 bits
Filters (for DC Experiments)
10 Hz, 30 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz
Applied Potential (Potentiostatic Mode)
Potential ranges (applied)
±15 V, ±10 V
Potential resolution at each range (applied)
469 µV per DAC bit, 313 µV per DAC bit, 78 µV per DAC bit
DC accuracy (potential, applied)
±0.2% of setting; ±0.05% of range
DAC output (potential)
16 bits
CV sweep rate (minimum)
10 µV/s
CV sweep rate (maximum)
125 V/s
Data Acquisition (for DC Experiments)
Clock resolution
10 ns (minimum time base)
Point interval
80 µs (minimum)
Simultaneous current and potential input
Raw point total
<10 million per experiment
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
EIS capable
EIS frequency range
EIS frequency resolution
EIS frequency stability
Voltage excitation setpoint
Current excitation setpoint
Frequency sweeping
EIS accuracy
Rotator Control Connections
Rotator connector A
7-pin mini circular DIN includes analog and digital signal grounds, digital rotator enable signal, auxiliary digital output signal, and analog rotation rate control signal
Rotator connector B
3-pin connector includes analog signal ground, digital rotator enable signal (+15 V max), and analog rotation rate control signal
Rate control signal
±10 V, ±2.5 V
Digital enable signal
open drain (TTL compatible)
Dummy cell
External dummy cell included
Cell cable
Combination D-SUB connector to multiple banana plugs via shielded coaxial cables (included)
Auxiliary Connections
Connector C
9-pin DSUB connector includes digital signal ground, two digital output signals, and three digital input signals
Trigger input
BNC female, TTL compatible
Trigger output
BNC female, TTL compatible
Potential (E1) output
Current (I1) output
Potential (E2) output
Current (I2) output
Auxiliary analog input
Auxiliary analog output
BNC female, ±10 V bipolar output, 313 µV resolution, 0.2% accuracy (available when second working electrode not in use)
WK1 input
BNC female, ±10V differential input, 20 kΩ impedance, ±0.5% accuracy; allows external waveform to be summed directly to the working electrode excitation signal
WK2 input
BNC female, ±10V differential input, 20 kΩ impedance, ±0.5% accuracy; allows external waveform to be summed directly to the working electrode excitation signal
Power input
24.0 VDC (±5%), 4.0 A (low voltage DC device)
Power supply input
100 - 240 VAC, 1.4 - 0.7 A, 50 - 60 Hz
Power supply output
24 VDC, 5.0 A power supply (included) has a C14 type input connector
Power cord
Various international cables sold separately (C13 type)
LED indicators
Power, USB, and status
Instrument dimensions
160 × 324 × 255 mm (6.3 × 12.75 × 10.0 in)
Workstation shipping dimensions
254 × 356 × 457 mm (10 × 14 × 18 in)
Instrument weight
4.6 kg (10.2 lb)
Workstation shipping weight
7.7 kg (17 lb)
Temperature range
10°C - 40°C
Humidity range
80% RH maximum, non-condensing
Workstation modes
Potentiostat (POT), Galvanostat (GAL), Open-Circuit Potential (OCP), Zero-Resistance Ammeter (ZRA)
Wireless capable
When possible, we add published articles, theses and dissertations, and books to our references library. When we know this product has been used, we will include it in this list below. If you have a reference where our product was used and it's not in this list, please contact us with the details and we will add it.
  1. Yang et al. Porous Nitrogen-doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Gels as Efficient Supercapacitor Electrodes and Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2025, 38, 1123-1131.
  2. Arnot and Lambert Bismuth Detection in Alkaline Electrolyte Via Anodic Stripping Voltammetry for Battery Separator Evaluation. Electroanalysis, 2025, n/a, .
  3. Chakraborty et al. Electrochemical estimation of active site density on a metal-free carbon-based catalyst. RSC Advances, 2025, 9, 466-475.
  4. Zhao et al. Heteroatom-doped MoSe2 Nanosheets with Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Kinetics for Alkaline Water Splitting. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2025, 14, 301-306.
  5. B. Venarusso et al. Carbon-supported metal nanodendrites as efficient, stable catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2025, 6, 1714-1726.
  6. Ziolkowska et al. Simple synthesis of highly uniform bilayer-carbon nanocages. Carbon, 2025, 115, 617–624.
  7. Kar et al. Investigation on the reduction of the oxides of Pd and graphite in alkaline medium and the simultaneous evolution of oxygen reduction reaction and peroxide generation features. Electrochimica Acta, 2025, 191, 81–89.
  8. Rountree and Dempsey Reactivity of Proton Sources with a Nickel Hydride Complex in Acetonitrile: Implications for the Study of Fuel-Forming Catalysts. Inorganic Chemistry, 2025, 55, 5079–5087.
  9. Martin et al. Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of a tridentate Schiff-base ligated Fe(II) complex. Polyhedron, 2025, 114, 200–204.
  10. Ebrahimi et al. The self-sustaining propagation of crevice corrosion on the hybrid BC1 Ni–Cr–Mo alloy in hot saline solutions. Corrosion Science, 2025, 105, 58–67.
  11. Devivaraprasad et al. Reconstruction and dissolution of shape-controlled Pt nanoparticles in acidic electrolytes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2025, 18, 11220–11232.
  12. Liu et al. Low Pt content catalyst supported on nitrogen and phosphorus-codoped carbon nanotubes for electrocatalytic O2 reaction in acidic medium. Materials Letters, 2025, 142, 115-118.
  13. Liang et al. Bacterial cellulose derived nitrogen-doped carbon nanofiber aerogel: An efficient metal-free oxygen reduction electrocatalyst for zinc-air battery. Nano Energy, 2025, 11, 366–376.
  14. Li et al. Activation of silicon surfaces for H2 evolution by electrografting of pyridine molecules. Surface Science, 2025, 631, 185–189.
  15. Brüller et al. Bimetallic porous porphyrin polymer-derived non-precious metal electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reactions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2025, 3, 23799–23808.
  16. Alkan et al. Water-soluble and redox-responsive hyperbranched polyether copolymers based on ferrocenyl glycidyl ether. Polymer Chemistry, 2025, 6, 7112–7118.
  17. Vittoria-Ann DiPalo et al. Novel exceptionally durable asymmetric double-side electrochromic device architecture. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2024, 274, 112963.
  18. Göbel et al. Protonation of Pendant Pyridine Substituents in an Iron Porphyrin Hangman Complex: Influence on Spectral Visibility and Electrocatalysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024, , .
  19. Jia et al. Efficient Electrosynthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide Using Oxygen-Doped Porous Carbon Catalysts at Industrial Current Densities. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, , .
  20. López Romero et al. Enhancing Intrinsic Electrocatalytic Activity of Pt/C Nanoparticles for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Acidic Media by Microwave-Assisted Synthesis. Current Microwave Chemistry, 2024, 11, .
  21. Dongare et al. Key Experimental Considerations When Evaluating Functional Ionic Liquids for Combined Capture and Electrochemical Conversion of CO2. Langmuir, 2024, , .
  22. Guo et al. One-step synthesis of in-situ N, S self-doped carbon nanosheets with hierarchical porous structure for high performance supercapacitor and oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalyst. Electrochimica Acta, 2021, 366, 137404.
  23. Chen et al. Revealing nitrogen-containing species in commercial catalysts used for ammonia electrosynthesis. Nature Catalysis, 2020, 3, 1055-1061.
  24. Martínez-Loyola et al. High Performance Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxidation of Methanol and Ethanol in Acid Media by Effect of Functionalizing Carbon Supports with Ru Organometallic Compounds. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167, 164502.
  25. Kolesnichenko et al. Zincate-Blocking-Functionalized Polysulfone Separators for Secondary Zn–MnO2 Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 50406-50417.
  26. Tian et al. Liquid-phase exfoliation of layered biochars into multifunctional heteroatom (Fe, N, S) co-doped graphene-like carbon nanosheets. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 420, 127601.
  27. Alipour Moghadam Esfahani and Easton Exceptionally durable Pt/TOMS catalysts for fuel cells. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 268, 118743.
  28. Cardoso et al. Effects of N and O groups for oxygen reduction reaction on one- and two-dimensional carbonaceous materials. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 344, 136052.
  29. Ren et al. Binary FeNi phosphides dispersed on N,P-doped carbon nanosheets for highly efficient overall water splitting and rechargeable Zn-air batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 389, 124408.
  30. Song et al. Graphene-Supported Single Nickel Atom Catalyst for Highly Selective and Efficient Hydrogen Peroxide Production. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 17519-17527.
  31. Bobo et al. Bis-Cyclometalated Iridium Complexes Containing 4,4′-Bis(phosphonomethyl)-2,2′-bipyridine Ligands: Photophysics, Electrochemistry, and High-Voltage Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, , .
  32. Xiao et al. Robust assembly of urchin-like NiCo2O4/CNTs architecture as bifunctional electrocatalyst in Zn-Air batteries. Ceramics International, 2020, 46, 6262-6269.
  33. Alipour Moghadam Esfahani et al. A highly durable N-enriched titanium nanotube suboxide fuel cell catalyst support. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 263, 118272.
  34. Fortunato et al. Ti/Pt−Pd-Based Nanocomposite: Effects of Metal Oxides on the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7, 1610-1618.
  35. Gonell et al. An Iron Pyridyl-Carbene Catalyst for Low Overpotential CO2 reduction to CO: Mechanistic Comparisons with the Ruthenium Analogue and Photochemical Promotion. ChemRxiv, 2020, , .
  36. Rossi et al. Emodin Scavenging of Superoxide Radical Includes π–π Interaction. X-Ray Crystal Structure, Hydrodynamic Voltammetry and Theoretical Studies. Antioxidants, 2020, 9, 194.
  37. Chen et al. Molecular-confinement synthesis of sub-nano Fe/N/C catalysts with high oxygen reduction reaction activity and excellent durability for rechargeable Zn-Air batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 450, 227660.
  38. Wang et al. Bimetal Schottky Heterojunction Boosting Energy-Saving Hydrogen Production from Alkaline Water via Urea Electrocatalysis. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, n/a, 2000556.
  39. Ji et al. Pyridinic and graphitic nitrogen-enriched carbon paper as a highly active bifunctional catalyst for Zn-air batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 334, 135562.
  40. Lee et al. Analysis of multi-electron, multi-step homogeneous catalysis by rotating disc electrode voltammetry: theory, application, and obstacles. Analyst, 2020, 145, 1258-1278.
  41. Gamero-Quijano et al. Aqueous surface chemistry of gold mesh electrodes in a closed bipolar electrochemical cell. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 330, 135328.
  42. Zheng et al. Highly efficient stepwise electrochemical degradation of antibiotics in water by in situ formed Cu(OH)2 nanowires. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 256, 117824.
  43. Xiao et al. FeCox alloy nanoparticles encapsulated in three-dimensionally N-doped porous carbon/multiwalled carbon nanotubes composites as bifunctional electrocatalyst for zinc-air battery. Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 438, 227019.
  44. Matin et al. Effect of fuel content on the electrocatalytic methanol oxidation performance of Pt/ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by solution combustion. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 492, 73-81.
  45. Zhang et al. Facile synthesis of CoxFe1−xP microcubes derived from metal-organic frameworks for efficient oxygen evolution reaction. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 554, 202-209.
  46. Song et al. Promotion of hydrogen peroxide production on graphene-supported atomically dispersed platinum: Effects of size on oxygen reduction reaction pathway. Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 435, 226771.
  47. Zhang et al. Highly active N,S co-doped hierarchical porous carbon nanospheres from green and template-free method for super capacitors and oxygen reduction reaction. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 318, 272-280.
  48. Martinez and Li Surface functionalization of Pt nanoparticles with metal chlorides for bifunctional CO oxidation. Polyhedron, 2019, 170, 239-244.
  49. Bera et al. Origin of the Catalytic Activity Improvement of Electrochemically Treated Carbon – An Electrical and Electrochemical Investigation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, , .
  50. Li et al. Low content of Fe3C anchored on Fe,N,S-codoped graphene-like carbon as bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reactions. Carbon, 2019, 150, 93-100.
  51. Davydova et al. Stability Limits of Ni-Based Hydrogen Oxidation Electrocatalysts for Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9, 6837-6845.
  52. Ma et al. Hierarchically porous iron and nitrogen Co-doped carbon composite with enhanced ORR performance. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019, 276, 139-145.
  53. García-Mayagoitia et al. Energy Generation from Pharmaceutical Residual Water in Microbial Fuel Cells Using Ordered Mesoporous Carbon and Bacillus subtilis as Bioanode. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 12179-12187.
  54. Das and Raut Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production in oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) proceeding in alkaline medium employing zinc based metal-organic framework. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, 2115, 030546.
  55. Huang et al. N-, O- and P-doped hollow carbons: Metal-free bifunctional electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution and oxygen reduction reactions. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 248, 239-248.
  56. Ashok et al. Probing the effect of combustion controlled surface alloying in silver and copper towards ORR and OER in alkaline medium. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 844, 66-77.
  57. Ren and Yuan A universal route to N-coordinated metals anchored on porous carbon nanosheets for highly efficient oxygen electrochemistry. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 13591-13601.
  58. Boone and Maia Lowering metal loadings onto Pt–Pd–Cu/graphene nanoribbon nanocomposites affects electrode collection efficiency and oxygen reduction reaction performance. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 303, 192-203.
  59. Xu et al. Facile in situ fabrication of Co nanoparticles embedded in 3D N-enriched mesoporous carbon foam electrocatalyst with enhanced activity and stability toward oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54, 5412-5423.
  60. Sinha et al. Changing the Selectivity of O2 Reduction Catalysis with One Ligand Heteroatom. ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9, 2685-2691.
  61. Zhang et al. CoII-catalyzed room-temperature growth of MnO2 on the skeleton of carbonized zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 crystals for boosting oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 4699-4704.
  62. Guo et al. Hollow capsules of doped carbon incorporating metal@metal sulfide and metal@metal oxide core–shell nanoparticles derived from metal–organic framework composites for efficient oxygen electrocatalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 3624-3631.
  63. Liu et al. Ultrathin Co9S8 nanosheets vertically aligned on N,S/rGO for low voltage electrolytic water in alkaline media. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 1951.
  64. Zhou et al. Engineering additional edge sites on molybdenum dichalcogenides toward accelerated alkaline hydrogen evolution kinetics. Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 717-724.
  65. Ashok et al. Influence of fuel ratio on the performance of combustion synthesized bifunctional cobalt oxide catalysts for fuel cell application. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44, 436-445.
  66. Xu et al. Improving Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Selective Hydrodechlorination Performance Based on CoNi on Graphene Using Ionic Liquids as a Binder. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166, H157-H166.
  67. Solis-Tobías et al. High performance of the novel Pd-CeO2-NR/C (cerium oxide nanorods) nanocatalyst for the oxidation of C1, C2 and C3 organic molecules for fuel cells applications. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, , .
  68. Bezerra et al. Electroreduction of a CoII coordination complex producing a metal–organic film with high performance toward electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 19590-19603.
  69. Guo et al. Cobalt nanoparticles incorporated into hollow doped porous carbon capsules as a highly efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalyst. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018, 8, 5244-5250.
  70. Wu et al. Transition metal–assisted carbonization of small organic molecules toward functional carbon materials. Science Advances, 2018, 4, eaat0788.
  71. Unsupported reference type of missing information
  72. Wang et al. Free-standing, flexible β-Ni(OH)2/electrochemically-exfoliated graphene film electrode for efficient oxygen evolution. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 433, 88-93.
  73. Li et al. Ultrahigh Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalytic Activity and Stability over Hierarchical Nanoporous N-doped Carbon. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 1-8.
  74. Bliznyuk et al. Increase in the reduction potential of uranyl upon interaction with graphene oxide surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 1752-1760.
  75. Ashok et al. Single Step Synthesis of Porous NiCoO2 for Effective Electrooxidation of Glycerol in Alkaline Medium. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165, J3301-J3309.
  76. Bera et al. Influence of nitrogen-doping in carbon on equivalent distributed resistance and capacitance – Implications to electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 805, 184–192.
  77. Zhang et al. Iridium nanoparticles anchored on 3D graphite foam as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for excellent overall water splitting in acidic solution. Nano Energy, 2017, 40, 27-33.
  78. Bera et al. Density of States, Carrier Concentration, and Flat Band Potential Derived from Electrochemical Impedance Measurements of N-Doped Carbon and Their Influence on Electrocatalysis of Oxygen Reduction Reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, , .
  79. Bogolowski et al. Long-life bifunctional BaSrCoFeO3/C gas diffusion electrode. Carbon, 2017, 119, 511-518.
  80. Devivaraprasad et al. Recovery of Active Surface Sites of Shape-Controlled Platinum Nanoparticles Contaminated with Halide Ions and Its Effect on Surface-Structure. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164, H551–H560.
  81. Zhang et al. Efficient hydrogen production on MoNi4 electrocatalysts with fast water dissociation kinetics. Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 15437.
  82. Elgrishi et al. Reaction Parameters Influencing Cobalt Hydride Formation Kinetics: Implications for Benchmarking H2 -Evolution Catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 239–244.
  83. Eisenhart et al. Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Reactions with Photometric Bases Reveal Free Energy Relationships for Proton Transfer. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2016, 120, 7896–7905.
  84. Khosrowabadi Kotyk et al. Copper tetradentate N2Py2 complexes with pendant bases in the secondary coordination sphere: improved ligand synthesis and protonation studies. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2016, 69, 1990–2002.
  85. Martin et al. Qualitative extension of the EC′ Zone Diagram to a molecular catalyst for a multi-electron, multi-substrate electrochemical reaction. Dalton Transactions, 2016, 45, 9970-9976.
  86. Glass et al. Transition Metal Substitution Effects on Metal-to-Polyoxometalate Charge Transfer. Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 4308–4319.
  87. Rountree et al. Linear Free Energy Relationships in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction: Kinetic Analysis of a Cobaloxime Catalyst. ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6, 3326–3335.
  88. Pitman et al. Aqueous Hydricity of Late Metal Catalysts as a Continuum Tuned by Ligands and the Medium. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2252–2260.
  89. Yates et al. Thermally activated long range electron transport in living biofilms. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 32564-32570.
  90. Alkan et al. Triple-Stimuli-Responsive Ferrocene-Containing PEGs in Water and on the Surface. ACS Applied Materials {&} Interfaces, 2015, 7, 26137–26144.
  91. Severt et al. Versatile Method for Producing 2D and 3D Conductive Biomaterial Composites Using Sequential Chemical and Electrochemical Polymerization. ACS Applied Materials {&} Interfaces, 2015, 7, 25281–25288.
  92. Rountree and Dempsey Potential-Dependent Electrocatalytic Pathways: Controlling Reactivity with pKa for Mechanistic Investigation of a Nickel-Based Hydrogen Evolution Catalyst. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 13371–13380.
  93. Liang et al. Molecular metal–Nx centres in porous carbon for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 7992.
  94. Rahul et al. The role of surface oxygenated-species and adsorbed hydrogen in the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) mechanism and product selectivity on Pd-based catalysts in acid media. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 15146-15155.
  95. Hyde et al. Electrochemical Instability of Phosphonate-Derivatized, Ruthenium(III) Polypyridyl Complexes on Metal Oxide Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 9554–9562.
  96. Mikkelsen et al. Block Copolymer Templated Synthesis of Core–Shell PtAu Bimetallic Nanocatalysts for the Methanol Oxidation Reaction. Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26, 6928–6940.
  97. Kar et al. Reduction of graphene oxide – a comprehensive electrochemical investigation in alkaline and acidic electrolytes. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 57781-57790.
  98. Kahl and Golden Electrochemical Determination of Phenolic Acids at a Zn/Al Layered Double Hydroxide Film Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode. Electroanalysis, 2014, 26, 1664–1670.
  99. McCarthy et al. Electrochemical Reduction of Brønsted Acids by Glassy Carbon in Acetonitrile—Implications for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53, 8350–8361.
  100. Pitman and Miller Molecular Photoelectrocatalysts for Visible Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution from Neutral Water. ACS Catalysis, 2014, 4, 2727–2733.

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