A USB device driver must be installed on Microsoft Windows computers in order to use Avantes AvaSpec spectrometers. This device driver software is a product supplied by Avantes BV.
[call_to_action color = “green” button_text = “Driver Installer Download” button_url = “https://pineresearch.com/publicdownloads/Avantes_winusb_setup.exe” layout=”vertical” button_icon=”download” button_icon_position=”left” target = “_blank”] As of February 2015, the supported version of the device driver is available for download as an executable file.[/call_to_action]Download and run the executable file for the driver installation. It may be necessary to choose the “Run as Administrator…” option when you attempt to execute the driver installer.
To activate the device driver, your Windows system must “discover” the new instrument connected to your system.
As with most USB-connected devices, this discovery occurs when you turn on and connect the device to your system via a USB cable. The device driver should be installed BEFORE connecting the device, and the device should be connected BEFORE running Aftermath. If the driver installation was successful, then the instrument should appear in the instrument list in the lower-left corner of the AfterMath screen.
Related Software Links: AfterMath Support Page, AfterMath User Guide, AfterMath Electrochemistry Guide, AfterMath Installation Guide