
Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • AfterMath: Firmware Version Recommendations

    aftermath_circle_115x115What potentiostat firmware version should I be using?


    AfterMath can be used to display the level of firmware running in the potentiostat (select the instrument in the lower-left pane and then the “Device” tab on the right pane). That information can be compared with the descriptions below. Contact Pine Research for firmware update files and then follow update instructions here.


    Updated: 11 November 2016

    WaveNow family (WaveNow, WaveNano, WaveNowxv)

    • Current Recommended Firmware Version: 1.1.116

    WaveDriver family (WaveDriver 20, WaveDriver 10)

    • Current Recommended Firmware Version: 1.1.4

    AFCBPx family

    • No updates
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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: Find Charge Under CV Plot Curve

          How can I find the charge under a portion of the curve on a CV plot?
    This FAQ applies to versions 1.2.3208 and greater.


    An “area tool” can be placed on the CV plot to find the area under a selected portion of the curve. However, this tool calculates the results purely mathematically, giving power (in watts). What an electrochemist wants to know is the total charge for that area.

    Find the charge under a portion of the curve on a CV plot

    There are two choices:

    The first is to instead place the area tool on the current-versus-time (I-vs-T) plot so that the result is already a charge. The difficulty with this is knowing where to place the limits of the area tool (since the CV plot does not provide time data). An advantage of this method is that the results may be more accurate since any noise in the measured potential of the CV data can adversely affect the area calculation, whereas the corresponding X-axis on the I-vs-T is time, which will have neither noise nor measureable jitter.

    The second is to manually divide the results of the area tool (power, i.e. Volts x Amps) by the sweep rate of the CV (Volts/sec, known from the experiment parameters) to find the charge (Amps x secs). If this result needs to be displayed on the plot, right-click and empty area of the plot and select “Add text” to display that calculated value.

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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: Import Data

          This FAQ applies to versions 1.2.3208 and greater.


    Two types of data can be imported into Aftermath: columns of X-Y data on the system clipboard, and PineChem files (version 1.2.3208 and greater). Additional data import methods will be addressed in future releases.

    Import X-Y Data

    Columns of X-Y data from the system clipboard can be imported onto a plot, as show in the screenshots below. Note that the user is expected to specify what the units of data are for each column:

    Import PineChem files

    Files from the previous software, PineChem, can be imported, as shown in the screenshots below. All experiment parameters and results (if any) all imported:

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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: DPV Parameters

          How do I use the sampling “pre-pulse width” and “post-pulse width” on the Differential Pulse Voltammetry method (DPV)?
    This FAQ applies to versions 1.2.3208 and greater.

    The Differential Pulse Voltammetry method (DPV) measures the difference in current before and after a voltammetric pulse. The parameters specify both an output pulse waveform and input sampling. The “pre-pulse width” and “post-pulse width” describe, with respect to the pulse, when the sampling of the “before” (background) current and “after” current should occur.

    The following images describe the waveform and sampling parameters.

    DPV from literature:

    Additional information about the parameters can be found in the tabs below. Theoretical information can be foun at the following website: Detailed DPV overview


    Note: the “Quite Time” is defined via the “Induction Period” on the “Advanced” tab.

    Output Pulse Parameters Explanation

    Input sampling (measurement) parameters explanation

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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: Dual-Electrode CV Shows E2 Error

          Why does dual-electrode CV with an offset on E2 show the same potential for E1 and E2?
    This FAQ applies to versions 1.2.3208 and greater.


    The dual-electrode CV method (DECV) provides a “window mode” of operation where an offset potential may be used for the second working electrode. e.g. If E1 is sweeping 0mv-1000mV and the E2 offset is 100mV, then E2 will sweep 100mV-1100mV.

    However, the “real-time” display of the experiment and the resulting CV plot seem to show E1 and E2 have the SAME potential. What is going on?


    In both the “real-time” display and the final CV plot, the current from both channels (I1 and I2) is plotted versus E1 only. That is, E2 is *not* plotted versus I2. This is by design according to historical electrochemical convention.

    In the “other plots” folder, the “Potential” plot shows the actual (and correct) potential was applied.

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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: Experiment Failed/Instrument Failure

          This FAQ applies to versions 1.0.2447 and greater.

    If an AfterMath experiment fails, a dialog box will appear (see figure below). A possible cause for the failure can be found at the AT-MIO-16E-10 ISA National Instruments interface card DMA failure website.

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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: Export Data

          This FAQ applies to versions 1.0.2447 and greater.


    Data from an AfterMath can be copied to the system clipboard (versions 1.0.2477 and greater) or exported to files (version 1.2.4041 and greater).

    Copy Data to System Clipboard

    Data from a single trace can be copied to the system clipboard (versions 1.0.2477 and greater). There are multiple ways to do this, as shown in the screenshots below:

    Copy data from a plot

    Copy data from the treeview

    Export Archive Data to Files

    Data can be exported to files ( version 1.2.4041 and greater ). There are several ways to do this, as shown in the screenshots further below. As shown in the following screenshot, selected items can be chosen for export – as much as entire archives can be exported at once, or as little as only a single trace.

    Export data from a plot

    Export data from the treeview

    Export data from any open archives

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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: Version Recommendations

          What AfterMath version should I be using?

    The AfterMath version can be determined from the “Help→About” menu item. That information can be compared with the descriptions below.

    As of 09-SEP-2013:

    Users of WaveNow family potentiostats (WaveNow, WaveNano, WaveNowXV)

    • Versions earlier than 1.2.5033 – RECOMMENDED update download here
    • Versions earlier than 1.2.5342 – OPTIONAL update download here

    Users of WaveDriver family (bi)potentiostats (WaveDriver 20, WaveDriver 10)

    • Versions earlier than 1.2.5658 – RECOMMENDED update download here
    • Versions earlier than 1.2.5966 – OPTIONAL update download here

    Users of AFCBPx family bipotentiostats

    • Versions earlier than 1.2.4843 – RECOMMENDED update download here

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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: AT-MIO-16E-10 DMA Error

          This FAQ applies to versions 1.0.2447 and greater.


    Attempting to perform an experiment from AfterMath on the Pine AFCBP1 bipotentiostat using the ISA-type National Instruments card (AT-MIO-16E-10) may result in the following error:

    Experiment failed: "<experiment_name_here>". Instrument failure.

    More details

    This problem can be caused by a lack of DMA resources. This can be confirmed using either AfterMath or the National Instruments Measurement & Automation Explorer as shown below:




    The original cause of this failure occurs during the installation of the National Instruments interface board device drivers, and can also be seen in the Windows Device Manager:




    The problem can be fixed by using the Windows “Device Manager” as shown below.

    See also the National Instruments website article about this problem here





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  • Pine AfterMath FAQ: Could Not Load ‘sorttbls.nlp’

          Why can’t I load a file, assembly ‘sorttbls.nlp’ or one of its dependencies


    Possible Causes

    This problem isn’t anything unique to Aftermath. Google that error and find many results:

    It seems this message is caused by some missing part(s) of Microsoft .NET libraries. Aftermath v1.0.nnnn-v1.3.nnnn requires .NET v2 and checking for that is part of the installation. However, if some small piece of .NET 2 has gone missing, there’s no way we can detect that.

    Possible Solutions

    Apparently MS .NET must be uninstalled and reinstalled:

    • Go to “Add or Remove Programs” in the WinXP “Control Panel” (or similar applet in other Windows versions)
    • Uninstall Aftermath
    • Uninstall all versions of Microsoft .NET, starting with the newest (greatest) version and working towards the oldest
    • Reboot the computer

    and then:

    • Reinstall MS .NET v2, this is located on the installation cd/media or from our website directly or the MS website: Click Here
    • Don’t worry about .NET v1 or v1.1 that should be taken care of by the v2 installer
    • If needed, other versions of .NET >2 can probably be found somewhere on the MS website.
    • Reboot the computer
    • Reinstall Aftermath
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