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Permissions (License) File Installation

Last Updated: 7/1/20 by Alex Peroff

  • perform grayed out,
  • license,
  • software license,
  • permissions file,
  • permissions
Article Contents/Section Navigation
  1. Symptom - Perform Button Grayed Out
  2. Description
  3. Resolution - Install Permissions Files
  4. AFCBP1 Permission Files

1Symptom - Perform Button Grayed Out

If AfterMath is downloaded directly from the internet and installed on a computer, then the permissions files may not be present on the computer.  Users typically notice this condition when the AfterMath “Perform” button is disabled (gray shading – see Figure 1).  This means that you cannot perform any experiments, even though AfterMath is recognizes the connected instrument.
Figure 1. Indications that the AfterMath License is not Active
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On the installation media (CD-ROM or more recently a USB flash drive) accompanying a Pine Research potentiostat, there are license files, or “permissions files," which authorize a computer running AfterMath to control specific instruments (see Figure 2).  If Aftermath is installed on the computer using the installation media shipped with a particular instrument, then these permissions files are automatically copied to the computer.
Figure 2. Permissions Files on Installation Media

NOTE: Contact Pine Research for assistance if you encounter any issues with software licensing or permissions files.

NOTE: Specific permissions files below shown for the Pine Research WaveDriver 200 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat with EIS.  Exact name and number of permissions files may vary for different potentiostat models.

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3Resolution - Install Permissions Files

To resolve the issue of not being able to perform experiments, you must place the appropriate permissions file(s) into the AfterMath directory.  Permissions files are located at:
  1. The original installation media (CD-ROM or USB flash drive) shipped with the instrument
  2. If the original installation media is lost, contact Pine Research with the instrument serial number and hardware ID Potentiostat Hardware ID and Serial Number to obtain the missing permission file(s).
After obtaining permissions file(s), simply move the files into the appropriate AfterMath directory (see Figure 3).  The default installation directory of AfterMath is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Pine\AfterMath
Move the files (either from the installation media or from the email sent to you from Pine Research) to the appropriate folder.  You can also drag and drop the files into AfterMath and they will be installed in the correct location (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Copying Permissions Files to AfterMath
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4AFCBP1 Permission Files

The AFCBP1 bipotentiostat is a special case when it comes to permissions files.  Normally, the permission file is associated with a potentiostat, but for the AFCBP1, the permission file is associated with the National Instruments (NIDAQ) board installed inside your desktop computer.  If you require a permission file for your AFCBP1, you will need to determine the serial number of your NIDAQ board.  In AfterMath the serial number is displayed next to the instrument in the lower left hand corner of the screen as mentioned in previous sections.  However, it can also be located in several other locations.
The NIDAQ measurement and automation explorer program will display the serial number in hexadecimal as shown below.
Serial number location in NIDAQ software

Figure 4. Location of the serial number in hexadecimal in NIDAQ software

Additionally, you can also find the serial number located physically on the NIDAQ board.  Again, the serial number is in hexadecimal.  See images below
National Instruments Board

Figure 5. National Instruments board. Red square indicated labels where serial number is located

Where you can find serial number on NIDAQ board

Figure 6. Zoom-in of serial number on NIDAQ board.

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