Standard Cell Kit, Utili-Shaft E
The following cell kits provide you with everything you need to set up a traditional three-electrode voltammetry experiment using a Utili-Shaft Style E for custom working electrodes. The glass cell (100 mL) comes equipped with a silver/silver chloride reference electrode, platinum counter electrode, and a set of PTFE stoppers. The electrode holder allows a custom electrode to be used as the working electrode.
This product is sold as a kit, meaning it consists of multiple independent products used together. View the individual kit products in the tab below.
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The following cell kits provide you with everything you need to set up a traditional three-electrode voltammetry experiment using a Utili-Shaft Style E for custom working electrodes. The glass cell (100 mL) comes equipped with a silver/silver chloride reference electrode, platinum counter electrode, and a set of PTFE stoppers. The electrode holder allows a custom electrode to be used as the working electrode.