
Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • AfterMath Module: ASWD10A


    This AfterMath software module includes support for dual electrode and other popular electroanalytical techniques on the Pine WaveDriver 10 potentiostat/galvanostat system. A list of all supported methods is provided below.

    Potential Sweep Methods

    Potential Step Methods

    Galvanostatic Methods

    Cyclic Step (Charge/Discharge) Methods

    • Cyclic Step Chronoamperometry (CSCA), capable of charge/discharge under potentiostatic control
    • Cyclic Step Chronopotentiometry (CSCP), capable of charge/discharge under galvanostatic control

    Passive Methods

    Potential Pulse Methods

    Stripping Voltammetry

    Part Numbers

    Click here to go to Pine's commercial web site for the AfterMath Data Organizer software.

    This module is assigned the following Pine Part #: ASWD10A. It was given the following description: General Electroanalytical Methods for the WaveDriver 10 (single instrument license)

    Additional Resources

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  • AfterMath Modules: ASWD10B


    This AfterMath software module includes support for dual electrode, popular electroanalytical techniques, and hydrodynamic voltammetry (rotating disk electrode, rotating cylinder electrode) on the Pine WaveDriver 10 potentiostat/galvanostat system. A list of all supported methods is provided below.

    Potential Sweep Methods

    Potential Step Methods

    Galvanostatic Methods

    Cyclic Step (Charge/Discharge) Methods

    • Cyclic Step Chronoamperometry (CSCA), capable of charge/discharge under potentiostatic control
    • Cyclic Step Chronopotentiometry (CSCP), capable of charge/discharge under galvanostatic control

    Passive Methods

    Additional Resources

    Potential Pulse Methods

    Stripping Voltammetry

    Hydrodynamic Methods

    Note: Control of the rotation rate by the potentiostat requires a special cable (click here for details).

    • Koutecky-Levich RDE Series (KL-RDE), acquires series of rotating disk voltammograms at various rotation rates
    • Rotating Disk Electrolysis (BE-RDE), supports constant voltage, constant current, or open circuit measurements
    • Rotating Disk Chronopotentiometry (CP-RDE), galvanostatic control of a rotating disk electrode
    • Rotating Disk Ramp Chronopotentiometry (CRP-RDE), includes Rotating Disk Cyclic Chronopotentiometry

    Part Numbers

    Click here to go to Pine's commercial web site for the AfterMath Data Organizer software.

    This module is assigned the following Pine Part #: ASWD10B. It was given the following description: General and Hydrodynamic Methods for the WaveDriver 10 (single instrument license)

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  • AfterMath Module: ASTPA02


    This AfterMath software module includes support for performing the following popular electroanalytical techniques on two potentiostats (either WaveNow or WaveNano) purchased from Pine Research Instrumentation.

    Potential Sweep Methods

    Potential Step Methods

    Galvanostatic Methods

    Cyclic Step (Charge/Discharge) Methods

    • Cyclic Step Chronoamperometry (CSCA), capable of charge/discharge under potentiostatic control
    • Cyclic Step Chronopotentiometry (CSCP), capable of charge/discharge under galvanostatic control

    Passive Methods

    Potential Pulse Methods

    Stripping Voltammetry

    Part Numbers

    Click here to go to Pine's commercial web site for the AfterMath Data Organizer software.

    This module is assigned the following Pine Part #: ASTPA02. It was given the following description: AfterMath General Electroanalytical Methods (WaveNow/WaveNano double instrument license).

    Additional Resources

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  • AfterMath Modules: ASCBU01


    This minimalist AfterMath software upgrade path for the AFCBP1 Bipotentiostat allows you to continue to perform the same electrochemical methods offered by our older PineChem software package using our improved AfterMath software package. This package is intended for those customers who want the advantages of instrument control, quality plotting and data management which are offered by AfterMath but who do not need any new electrochemical methods beyond those already available in their PineChem software.

    This package includes the dual electrode and simple methods previously included in PineChem and listed below:

    Dual Electrode Methods

    • Dual Electrode Bulk Electrolysis (DEBE), includes constant potential and constant current and mixed mode electrolysis
    • Dual Electrode Cyclic Voltammetry (DECV), includes collection, shielding, and window variations

    Single Step Methods

    Potential Sweep Methods

    Part Numbers

    Click here to go to Pine's commercial web site for the AfterMath Data Organizer software.

    This module is assigned the following Pine Part #: ASCBU01. Its description is: Minimal PineChem to AfterMath Upgrade (AFCBP1 single instrument license) .

    Additional Resources

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  • AfterMath Module: ASTPA01


    This AfterMath software module includes support for the performing the following popular electroanalytical techniques on WaveNow, WaveNano, and WaveNowXV potentiostats manufactured by Pine Research Instrumentation.

    Potential Sweep Methods

    Potential Step Methods

    Galvanostatic Methods

    Cyclic Step (Charge/Discharge) Methods

    • Cyclic Step Chronoamperometry (CSCA), capable of charge/discharge under potentiostatic control
    • Cyclic Step Chronopotentiometry (CSCP), capable of charge/discharge under galvanostatic control

    Passive Methods

    Potential Pulse Methods

    Stripping Voltammetry

    Part Numbers

    Click here to go to Pine's commercial web site for the AfterMath Data Organizer software.

    This module is assigned the following Pine Part #: ASTPA01. It was given the following description: AfterMath General Electroanalytical Methods (WaveNow/WaveNano single instrument license).

    Additional Resources

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  • AfterMath Installation: Visual C++

        This article is part of the AfterMath Data Organizer User’s Guide

    The installer will first verify that the target machine has the required version of MicroSoft Visual C++ files. If the required version is not found, then the following dialog may appear:

    Select “Yes” to download the files from the MicroSoft website. Depending on the default web browser installed on the target machine, a dialog similar to the following should appear in regards to downloading the file “vcredist_x86.exe”:

    The option to run the file may or may not be present. If so, “Run” may be selected to run the installation immediately after the download is complete. Otherwise “Save” should be selected which will prompt for the location to save the file. The Desktop is the best location for ease of use. When the save is complete, the “vcredist_x86.exe” file will be on the desktop as seen below. Double-click the icon to run the installation.

    The Visual C++ files installation begins with a “License Agreement” screen. If the terms of the license are acceptable, then select “Yes” to install.

    A progress dialog similar to the following should appear:

    The progress dialog closes when the installation is complete. There is no separate confirmation dialog to indicate that the installation is complete.

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