Instrument User Guides
Back to Instrument User Guides Back to Applications Back to Knowledgebase HomeWaveNow, WaveNano, WaveNowXV Potentiostat/Galvanostat System User Guide
Last Updated: 7/22/19 by Neil Spinner
Download as PDF1Preface
This user guide describes the WaveNow,
WaveNowXV Potentiostat Bundles
Classic WaveNano Potentiostat
and WaveNowXV
WaveNowXV Potentiostat/Galvanostat Basic Bundle
Potentiostat/Galvanostat systems. The target audience for this user guide is a professional scientist or engineer (or student of science and engineering) with a basic knowledge of scientific measurement, data presentation, and electrochemistry. Practical aspects of making electrochemical measurements using the WaveNow, WaveNano, and WaveNowXV instruments are discussed.

A small portion of this guide is dedicated to the subject of using the AfterMath software package
AfterMath Downloads
to control the WaveNow, WaveNano, and WaveNowXV instruments. This information about AfterMath is limited primarily to the subject of installing the software, connecting to the instrument, and verifying that the system works correctly. More extensive descriptions of how to use AfterMath software may be found in the Software category of the Pine Research Knowledgebase.
AfterMath Downloads
AfterMath User Guide

AfterMath Downloads
AfterMath User Guide
This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Pine Research Instrumentation, Inc.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, WA). WaveNow®, WaveNano®, WaveNowXV®, and AfterMath® are registered trademarks of Pine Research Instrumentation, Inc. (Durham, NC).
1.4Use Limitation
The WaveNow, WaveNano, and WaveNowXV instruments are not designed for use in experiments involving human subjects and/or the use of electrodes inside or on the surface of the human body.
Any use of these instruments other than for their intended purpose is prohibited.
1.5Harmful or Corrosive Substances
The operator of the WaveNow, WaveNano, or WaveNowXV should have prior experience working in a chemical laboratory and knowledge of the safety issues associated with working in chemical laboratory. Electrochemical experiments may involve the use of harmful or corrosive substances, and the operator should wear personal protective equipment while working with these substances. At a minimum, the operator should wear the following items to avoid contact with harmful or corrosive substances:
- Eye protection (safety goggles, face shield, etc.)
- Laboratory coat (flame resistant and solvent resistant)
- Solvent-resistant gloves
- Closed-toe shoes
Additional personal protective clothing and equipment may be required depending upon the nature of the chemicals used in an experiment. A complete discussion of chemical laboratory safety practices is beyond the scope of this user guide, and the reader is directed to a chemical safety bibliography for additional information.
American Chemical Society Committee on Chemical Safety Hazards Identification and Evaluation Task Force  Identifying and Evaluating Hazards in Research Laboratories: Guidelines Developed by the Hazards Identification and Evaluation Task Force of the ACS Committee on Chemical Safety American Chemical Society, 2015.
Council, N. R.   Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards, Updated Version, 2011.
American, C. S. C. o. C. S.  Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories, 7 ed. American Chemical Society: State College, PA, 2003.

Council, N. R.   Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards, Updated Version, 2011.
American, C. S. C. o. C. S.  Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories, 7 ed. American Chemical Society: State College, PA, 2003.
L’opérateur du WaveNow, WaveNano, ou WaveNowXV doit avoir une expérience préalable de travail dans un laboratoire de chimie et la connaissance des mesures de sécurité associées aux travaux dans un laboratoire de chimie. Les expériences en électrochimie peuvent impliquer l'utilisation de substances nocives ou corrosives, et l'opérateur doit porter des équipements de protection individuelle lorsqu'il travaille avec ces substances. Au minimum, l'opérateur doit porter les articles suivants pour éviter le contact avec les substances nocives ou corrosives:
- Protection des yeux (lunettes de sécurité, masque de protection facial, ect.)
- Blouse de laboratoire (résistante au feu et résistante aux solvants)
- Gants de protection résistants aux solvants
- Chaussures fermées
Des vêtements et équipements de protection individuelle supplémentaires peuvent être requis en fonction de la nature des produits chimiques utilisés dans une expérience. Une discussion complète des pratiques de sécurité de laboratoire chimique est au-delà de la portée de ce guide de l'utilisateur, et le lecteur est dirigé vers une bibliographie de sécurité chimique pour des informations supplémentaires.
American Chemical Society Committee on Chemical Safety Hazards Identification and Evaluation Task Force  Identifying and Evaluating Hazards in Research Laboratories: Guidelines Developed by the Hazards Identification and Evaluation Task Force of the ACS Committee on Chemical Safety American Chemical Society, 2015.
Council, N. R.   Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards, Updated Version, 2011.
American, C. S. C. o. C. S.  Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories, 7 ed. American Chemical Society: State College, PA, 2003.

Council, N. R.   Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards, Updated Version, 2011.
American, C. S. C. o. C. S.  Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories, 7 ed. American Chemical Society: State College, PA, 2003.
1.6Service and Warranty Information
For questions about proper operation of the WaveNow, WaveNano, or WaveNowXV systems or other technical issues, please contact Pine Research directly.

If the WaveNow, WaveNano, or WaveNowXV system or one of its components or accessories must be returned to the factory for service, please contact Technical Service (see above) to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) form. Include a copy of this RMA form in each shipping carton and ship the cartons to the Factory Return Service Address (below).
Pine Instrument Company ATTN: RMA # <RMA number> 104 Industrial Drive Grove City, PA 16127, USA |
The WaveNow, WaveNano, and WaveNowXV Potentiostat/Galvanostat instruments (hereafter referred to as the “INSTRUMENT”) offered by Pine Research Instrumentation (hereafter referred to as “PINE”) is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a one (1) year period from the date of shipment to the original purchaser (hereafter referred to as the “CUSTOMER”) and used under normal conditions. The obligation under this warranty is limited to replacing or repairing parts which shall upon examination by PINE personnel disclose to PINE's satisfaction to have been defective. The customer may be obligated to assist PINE personnel in servicing the INSTRUMENT. PINE will provide telephone support to guide the CUSTOMER to diagnose and effect any needed repairs. In the event that telephone support is unsuccessful in resolving the defect, PINE may recommend that the INSTRUMENT be returned to PINE for repair. This warranty being expressly in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied and all other liabilities. All specifications are subject to change without notice. |
The CUSTOMER is responsible for charges associated with non-warranted repairs. This obligation includes but is not limited to travel expenses, labor, parts and freight charges. |