
Simple Electrochemical H-Cell


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This simple H-Cell design is ideal for potentiometric studies and may be used in the instructional laboratory when teaching basic electrochemistry or for electroanalytical research where a separated frit is needed.  Each cell chamber can hold around ~30-35 mL and may be filled with a different solution.

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# Description Price in USD

Simple Electrochemical H-Cell
two 24/12 ports; two ~30-35 mL chambers separated by fine frit

Optional Accessories

Utili-Shaft Style C Electrode Holder
7 mm OD, 76 mm (3") long, stainless steel electrode holder

does not include o-ring or clip


24/40 PTFE Mount for Electrodes
This PTFE Mount slides over an electrode and fits into a 24/40 port.


Gas Bubbler/Humidifier
holds around 15 mL of solvent, helps prevent solvent evaporation during gas purging/sparging

Optional LowProfile Electrodes and Accessories

Low Volume Series Cell Cap Kit
includes top cap, bottom cap, fluoroelastomer O-rings, cap screws, PEEK plugs


Utili-Shaft Style A Electrode Holder
7 mm OD, 110 mm long, stainless steel LowProfile electrode holder for wafer-type electrodes, accepts wafers 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm thick

includes set screw and hex driver key; does not include o-ring


Utili-Shaft Style B Electrode Holder
7 mm OD, 76 mm (3") long, stainless steel LowProfile electrode holder

does not include o-ring or clip

LowProfile Working Electrodes

click here for compatible working electrode information...

LowProfile Counter Electrodes

click here for compatible counter electrode information...

LowProfile Reference Electrodes

click here for compatible reference electrode information...

This simple H-Cell design is ideal for potentiometric studies and may be used in the instructional laboratory when teaching basic electrochemistry.

Each cell chamber may be filled with a different solution, and the fine frit between the chambers serves as a salt bridge which prevents the two solutions from mixing.

All specifications are subject to change without notice.
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H-Cell Product Information
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