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Creating a Plot

Last Updated: 3/15/21 by Tim Paschkewitz

  • Plot,
  • aftermath plot,
  • create plot,
  • data plot,
  • graph,
  • aftermath graph
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  1. Creating a Plot from Tabular Data
  2. Creating an Empty Plot

1Creating a Plot from Tabular Data

The quickest way to create a plot is directly from a set of tabular data. Tabular Data When viewing tabular data, a button appears at the top labeled "Create Plot" (see Figure 1):
AfterMath Tabular Data Create Plot Button

Figure 1. AfterMath Tabular Data Create Plot Button

Clicking this button creates a new plot with a single trace containing the tabular data (see Figure 2):
AfterMath New Plot from Tabular Data

Figure 2. AfterMath New Plot from Tabular Data

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2Creating an Empty Plot

There are a couple ways to create an empty plot in AfterMath.  The first is by using the link that appears on the AfterMath Home screen (see Figure 3):
AfterMath Create Plot Home Screen

Figure 3. Creating New Plot from AfterMath Home Screen

Alternatively, with an archive open, Creating a New Archive right-click on the archive (or a subfolder Folder if desired), then select "New", then from the resulting submenu select "Plot" (see Figure 4):
AfterMath Create Plot Right Click Menu

Figure 4. Creating New Plot from AfterMath Right-Click Menu

A newly-created plot in AfterMath is then generated (see Figure 5).  Traces can be added to the plot in a variety of ways.
AfterMath New Plot

Figure 5. Newly-Created Blank Plot in AfterMath

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