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AfterMath User Guide

Last Updated: 9/23/22 by Alex Peroff

  • software user guide,
  • user guide,
  • AfterMath,
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  • aftermath user guide,
  • software manual
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Article Contents/Section Navigation
  1. Introduction
    1. Software License
    2. System Requirements
    3. Installation Guide
    4. Launching AfterMath
    5. AfterMath Home Screen
    6. Viewing AfterMath Version Information
  2. Archive Management
    1. Archive Philosophy
    2. Archive Size
    3. Hierarchical Structure
    4. Archive Contents
    5. Creating a New Archive
    6. Opening an Archive
    7. Viewing an Archive
    8. Renaming Items in an Archive
    9. Deleting Items from an Archive
    10. Cut, Copy, and Paste
    11. Drag-and-Drop Editing
    12. Saving and Closing an Archive
  3. Archive Data Types
    1. Analysis
    2. Experiment
    3. Folder
    4. Layout
    5. Note
    6. Plot
    7. Sequence
    8. Specification
    9. Study
    10. Tabular Data
  4. Scientific Plotting
    1. Plot Terminology
    2. Scientific Units


This user guide describes the basic functions of the AfterMath Data Organizer Software developed by Pine Research. AfterMath Downloads Topics in this guide include data archiving, plotting scientific data, and instrument control using AfterMath.
This guide is written for the professional scientist or engineer (or student of science and engineering) and assumes a basic knowledge of scientific measurement and data presentation.  We also have a video tutorial for AfterMath you can see below.
Pine Research maintains this user guide in electronic form, rather than printed or PDF form like our instrument user guides, because AfterMath is frequently updated resulting in revisions to the graphical user interface (GUI), as well as addition of new features.  This electronic user guide presents a regularly-updated, accurate description of the features and functionality of AfterMath even as new versions are periodically released.
Each section of this user guide is maintained as an individual webpage to facilitate easier cross-linking across the Knowledgebase, as well as to provide quick, directed instructions for any given topic without needing to navigate through a single lengthy document or webpage.  To find a particular topic of interest, the user is encouraged to look through the Article Contents/Section Navigation.  A link to each individual section is provided below.
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1.1Software License

AfterMath software license can be found here. AfterMath Software License
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1.2System Requirements

Computer system requirements for AfterMath can be found here. AfterMath System Requirements At the present time, AfterMath is incompatible with Apple products or operating systems, and must be installed on a personal computer (PC) running a Windows-based operating system.
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1.3Installation Guide

AfterMath installation guide can be found here. AfterMath Installation Guide
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1.4Launching AfterMath

Launching AfterMath can be found here. Launching AfterMath
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1.5AfterMath Home Screen

AfterMath Home Screen can be found here. AfterMath Home Screen
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1.6Viewing AfterMath Version Information

Viewing AfterMath Version Information can be found here. Viewing AfterMath Version Information
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2Archive Management

2.1Archive Philosophy

Archive Philosophy can be found here. Archive Philosophy
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2.2Archive Size

Archive Size can be found here. Archive Size
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2.3Hierarchical Structure

Hierarchical Structure can be found here. Hierarchical Structure
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2.4Archive Contents

Archive Contents can be found here. Archive Contents
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2.5Creating a New Archive

Creating a New Archive can be found here. Creating a New Archive
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2.6Opening an Archive

Opening an Archive can be found here. Opening an Archive
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2.7Viewing an Archive

Viewing an Archive can be found here. Viewing an Archive
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2.8Renaming Items in an Archive

Renaming Items in an Archive can be found here. Renaming Items in an Archive
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2.9Deleting Items from an Archive

Deleting Items from an Archive can be found here. Deleting Items from an Archive
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2.10Cut, Copy, and Paste

Cut, Copy, and Paste can be found here. Cut, Copy, and Paste
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2.11Drag-and-Drop Editing

Drag-and-Drop Editing can be found here. Drag-and-Drop Editing
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2.12Saving and Closing an Archive

Saving and Closing an Archive can be found here. Saving and Closing an Archive
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3Archive Data Types

A summary of items found in an archive can be found here. Items Found in an Archive
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A detailed description of Analysis can be found here. Analysis
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A detailed description of Experiment can be found here. Experiment
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A detailed description of Folder can be found here. Folder
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A detailed description of Layout can be found here. Layout
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A detailed description of Note can be found here. Note
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A detailed description of Plot can be found here. Plot
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A detailed description of Sequence can be found here. Sequence
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A detailed description of Specification can be found here. Specification
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A detailed description of Study can be found here. Study
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3.10Tabular Data

A detailed description of Tabular Data can be found here. Tabular Data
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4Scientific Plotting

This section covers the powerful scientific plotting features of AfterMath.  AfterMath can be used to create very simple plots containing just a single trace, or extremely complex plots containing multiple traces, axes, and measurement tools.  AfterMath has the flexibility to allow control of line widths, plot symbols, colors, tick marks, gridlines, and text.  A link to each individual feature is provided below.
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4.1Plot Terminology

A description of the scientific plotting terminology can be found here. Plot Terminology
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4.2Scientific Units

A description of scientific units can be found here. Scientific Units
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