New, from Pine Research!

We are very excited to introduce products for neuroelectrochemical analysis!  At Pittcon 2016 in Atlanta, we will be making the rounds and meeting with the folks that have made techniques like fast-scan cyclic voltammetry a major area of research.  We enter into this market with two products: the WaveNeuro Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry Potentiostat System, and novel headstage amplifier cable systems.

WaveNeuro Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry Potentiostat System

Finally, a reliable Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry Potentiostat system, designed by electrochemists for use in in-vivo and in-vitro neuroelectrochemical research.  The WaveNeuro includes several features, including:

  • Small, one-case solution (no breakout box required)
  • Designed by FSCV electrochemists for FSCV users
  • Compatible with existing software
  • Uses Pine Research headstage amplifier cable systems
  • Full technical support available
  • Regular production item – no excessive lead times
  • Designed, tested, and built in the USA

Headstage Amplifier Cable SystemsNEC-HS1_001

Fully compatible with the WaveNeuro potentiostat, and other common potentiostat systems, the Pine Research Headstage Amplifier Cable Systems feature several unique aspects, making them the most robust commercially available systems on the market:

  • Novel three-part design consisting of independent cable, headstage, and electrode connectors
  • A compact design with leightweight components
  • Each component is fully replaceable
  • Cable includes stimulus connection
  • All items in stock – no long lead times