From humble beginnings as “the electrode rotator company,” Pine Research has considerably grown over the last decade. In this time, Pine Research has expanded their product line, adding research grade EIS-capable potentiostats (WaveDriver 200), advanced and more cost-effective electrode rotators (WaveVortex 10), integrated spectroelectrochemical analysis systems (based on the Honeycomb spectroelectrochemical cell), and a large array of applications-oriented electrochemical cells. Our European customers have also grown over time and while we enjoy traveling to Europe to attend conferences and visit customer labs, we are not able to be as present as we would like to be. Further, European customers have been increasingly asking for a local representative.
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Accuracy Contour Plot ACS Adenosine Awards Bioanalytical bluetooth circuit fitting compliance voltage Conference Corrosion current data analysis data submission Dopamine EIS EIS applications EIS theory Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy electrometer Europe evolution Exhibition FSCV GDCh Electrochemistry impedance ISE Laboratory Meeting NACE Neurochemistry Neuroelectrochemistry operational amplifier Pittcon potential Providence RCE Representative Rotating Cylinder Electrode Rotator Sales Support Undergraduate WaveNow WaveVortex wireless