
Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • Chronopotentiometry (CP)

          This article is part of the AfterMath Data Organizer Electrochemistry Guide

    This is a galvanostatic method in which the current at the working electrode is held at a constant level for a given period of time. The working electrode potential and current are recorded as a function of time.

    Synonyms: constant current electrolysis

    Detailed Description

    Like most other electrochemical techniques, this experiment begins with an induction period. During the induction period, a set of initial conditions which you specify is applied to the electrochemical cell and the cell is allowed to equilibrate to these conditions. Data are not collected during the induction period.

    After the induction period, the current applied to the electrode is stepped to the value you specified for the duration of the experiment. The instrument's galvanostat circuit maintains the current at a steady level while measuring the potential of the working electrode. Throughout the electrolysis period, the potential and current at the working electrode are recorded at regular intervals based on the number of intervals you choose.

    The experiment concludes with a relaxation period. During the relaxation period, a set of final conditions which you specify is applied to the electrochemical cell and the cell is allowed to equilibrate to these conditions. Data is not collected during the relaxation period.

    At the end of the relaxation period, the post-experiment idle conditions are applied to the cell, and the instrument returns to the idle state.

    Potential is plotted as a function of time.

    Parameter Setup

    The parameters for this method are arranged on two tabs on the setup panel. The Basic tab contains the parameters relating to the electrolysis. An additional tab for Post Experiment Idle Conditions is common to all of the electrochemical techniques supported by the AfterMath software.

    Basic Tab

    You can click on the “I Feel Lucky” button (located at the top of the setup) to fill in all the parameters with typical default values (see Figure 1). You will no doubt need to change the Current and Duration in the Electrolysis period box to values which are appropriate for the electrochemical system being studied. You may also want to change the Number of intervals in the Sampling Control box.

    Basic setup

    Figure 1: Basic Chronopotentiometry Setup

    The Electrode Range on the Basic tab is used to specify the expected range of potentials. The potential of the electrode is dictated according to the Nernst equation, assuming a fully reversible system (see Theory section below), and will change to the value necessary to maintain the specified current. Therefore, if the choice of potential range is too small, actual potential may go off scale and the results will be truncated. If the potential range is too large, the potentiogram may have a noisy, choppy, or quantized appearance. Please see the ugly duckling webpage for an analogous situation in a voltammogram.

    Some Pine potentiostats (such as the WaveNow and WaveNano portable USB potentiostats) have potential autoranging capability. To take advantage of this feature, set the electrode range parameter to “Auto”. This allows the potentiostat to choose the potential range “on-the-fly” while the chonopotentiogram is being acquired.

    The waveform that is applied to the electrode is a simple pulse to the Current listed in the Electrolysis period box (see Figure 2). Note that the flat portions before and after the current pulse are the induction and relaxation periods, respectively.


    Figure 2 : Waveform

    Post Experiment Conditions Tab

    After the Relaxation Period, the Post Experiment Conditions are applied to the cell. Typically, the cell is disconnected but you may also specify the conditions applied to the cell. Please see the separate discussion on post experiment conditions for more information.

    Typical Results

    The typical chronopotentiogram for a  2.5 \; mM solution of Ferrocene in  0.1 \; M \; Bu_4NClO_4/MeCN shows a plot similar to a titration (see Figure 3). Initially, the potential is slightly rising until nearly all of the ferrocene at the electrode is consumed, at which point the potential rises rapidly through an inflection point, followed by a trailing off of the potential after the inflection point.

    Typical Results

    Figure 3: Typical Results

    The addition of a Baseline Tool (Tangent type) can be added to find the inflection point, the point at which the slope of the plot is greatest (see Figure 4). The potential at  1/2 of the inflection point is approximately the  E^0 for the species of interest ( 0.532 \; V \; vs. \; Ag/AgCl_{(aq)} ). Two additional Crosshair tools have been added to the plot to show the time at the inflection point and the time of  1/2 of the inflection point.

    Data Workup

    Figure 4 : Worked up Results

    In the second example, chronopotentiometry has been used to reduce  Ag^+ onto a Pt electrode, as you might do in calibrating an Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance. The application of a cathodic current for a specified period of time reduces  Ag^+ on the surface of the electrode as  Ag^0 (see Figure 5, parameters were:  400 \;\frac{\mu A}{cm^2} cathodic current,  2 \; mm Pt WE,  0.05 \; M \; AgNO_3, \; 0.5 \; M \; HNO_3 ). The current can be integrated to obtain a charge which can be correlated to the mass deposited on the electrode on the face of the quartz crystal (see Figure 6, parameters were the same as Figure 5). Note that since the potential is plotted against a  Ag^0 quasireference electrode, the entire face of the platinum electrode is covered once the measured potential drops to roughly zero.

    Ag+ deposition

    Figure 5: Silver Ion Deposition



    Figure 6 : Silver Ion Deposition Applied Electrolysis Current


    The section presented here is common to both CP and CRP and is only a brief introduction to the theory of chronopotentiometry. If you use CP for electrolysis, please see the theory section of BE for a detailed discussion.

    Please see Bard and Faulker1 for a more detailed description of CP. CP is a technique that, like CV, can be utilized to calculate a concentration or a diffusion coefficient. Consider a reaction  O + e^- \rightarrow R  with a formal potential  E^{0'} . As a current is applied to the working electrode,  O begins getting reduced at the electrode surface, producing  R . The potential of the electrode,  E , moves to values characteristic of the  O/R couple, based on a time-based Nernstian relation. As the concentration of  O drops to zero at the electrode surface the potential starts to rapidly increase to more negative values. The resulting  E-t curve is much like a potentiometric titration with a transition time (analogous to an equivalence point),  \tau . The potential at one half  \tau is  E^{0'} . The transition time is related to the concentration and diffusion coefficient of  O through the expression

    \tau^{3/2} = {\frac{2C_0^*nFAD_0^{1/2}}{3\beta}}

    where  C_0^* is the concentration of  O ( mol/cm^3 ),  n is the number of electrons,  F is Faraday's Constant ( 96485 \; C/mol ),  A is the electrode area ( cm^2 ),  D is the diffusion coefficient ( cm^2/s ) and  \beta is the sweep rate ( A/s ).

    For rapid electrode kinetics, the time-based Nernstian equation is

    E = E_{\tau/4}+\frac{RT}{nF} \; ln\left({\frac{\tau^{1/2}-t^{1/2}}{t^{1/2}}}\right)

    where  E_{\tau/4} is equal to

    E_{\tau/4} = E^{0'} - \frac{RT}{2nF} ln \frac{D_O}{D_R}

    Finally, plotting  E \; vs \; ln\left({\frac{\tau^{1/2}-t^{1/2}}{t^{1/2}}}\right) should give a straight line with slope of  RT/nF for a reversible  E-t curve.


    The first example shows how CP is used to measure diffusion coefficients. Le et al.2 applied a current to a membrane to generating concentration polarizations between bulk solutions and anion exchange membranes. The potential drop across the membrane is monitored as a function of time. By determining the transition time (point of inflection) they were able to calculate diffusion coefficients for several chloride salts in  0.1 \; M solutions. An exquisite example, considering the authors were able to determine diffusion coefficients of non-redox active species.

    In the second example, Nagaraju and Lakshminarayanan3 used CP to grow mesoporous Au films for use for electro-oxidation of alcohols in alkaline media. The researchers showed that varying the current density and deposition times gave different surface areas. These films were then used to electro-oxidize methanol or ethanol, indicating that they could be used in direct alcohol alkaline fuel cells.

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  • Rotating Disk Bulk Electrolysis (BE-RDE)

          This article is part of the AfterMath Data Organizer Electrochemistry Guide

    Rotating disk bulk electrolysis (BE-RDE) is very similar to bulk electrolysis (BE) in that a constant current or constant potential is applied to a two or three compartment electrochemical cell in order to effect a large change in the oxidation state of an analyte. The amount of charge passed during the electrolysis can be calculated by integrating the current with respect to time. In almost any bulk electrolysis experiment, the solution is stirred in some way. The unique aspect of the method discussed here (BE-RDE) is that a rotating electrode is used both to stir the electrode and to convey the analyte towards the electrode surface.

    Detailed Description

    Like most of the other electrochemical techniques offered by the AfterMath software, this experiment begins with an induction period. During the induction period, a set of initial conditions is applied to the electrochemical cell and the cell is allowed to equilibrate to these conditions. The default initial condition involves holding the working electrode potential at the Initial Potential for a brief period of time (i.e., 3 seconds). If the potentiostat is being used to control the rotator speed, the rotator is also spun at the desired speed during this time. The WaveNow and WaveNano are capable of outputting a potential proportional to the desired rotator speed. This output can then be coupled to the input on an MSR rotator for fully automated control of the rotation speed.

    Bulk electrolysis can be used to impart a large electrochemical change on a system. This can be complete oxidation or reduction or a species, the complete production of a product through electrochemical synthesis or just a partial oxidation or reduction of a compound to change the ratio of oxidized and reduced species.

    Bulk electrolysis typically consists of a three chamber electrochemical cell with the chambers separated by glass frits. One chamber has the working electrode, which is the rotating electrode in this case. The second chamber usually has the reference electrode and the third chamber houses the auxiliary electrode.

    After the induction period, a potential is applied to the cell for the specified period of time. After electrolysis the conditions specified in the relaxation period are applied to the cell.

    Finally, the Post Experiment Conditions are applied to the cell.

    The results of an electrolysis are usually presented as a plot of current versus time. Integrating the current versus time data produces a plot of charge versus time.

    Parameter Setup

    The parameters for this method are arranged on various tabs on the setup panel. The most commonly used parameters are on the Basic tab, and less commonly used parameters are on the Advanced tab. Additional tabs for Ranges and post experiment idle conditions are common to all of the electrochemical techniques supported by the AfterMath software.

    Basic Tab

    The Basic Tab (see Figure 1) contains parameters related to the Induction period, Electrolysis period, Relaxation period, Electrode range and Sampling control.

    Some Pine potentiostats (such as the WaveNow and WaveNano portable USB potentiostats) have current and voltage autoranging capabilities. To take advantage of this feature, set the Electrode range parameter to “Auto”. This allows the potentiostat to choose the current and voltage ranges “on-the-fly” while the electrolysis is conducted. Please see the wiki regarding Electrode Range for a more detailed description and example of how the integrity of the data is affected by the choice of the range.

    Typically, the Induction period, Relaxation period, and Sampling control parameters are filled in. You must enter a Potential and Duration for the electrolysis.

    The Number of intervals in the Sampling control box is the number of data points taken during the experiment. A larger number of intervals means that the number of data points acquired will be more and data files will therefore be larger. Likewise, a smaller intervals means that fewer points will be acquired and data files will be smaller.

    Controlled Potential

    Figure 1: Basic setup for rotating disk controlled potential bulk electrolysis.

    The waveform that is applied to the electrode first starts with the potential entered in the Induction period, followed by the potential entered in the Electrolysis period, and finally followed by the potential entered in the Relaxation period (see Figure 2).


    Figure 2 : Waveform applied to electrode throughout experiment

    The Electrode Range on the Basic tab is used to specify the expected range of current. If the choice of electrode range is too small, actual current may go off scale and be truncated. If the electrode range is too large, the current-time curve may have a noisy, choppy, or quantized appearance. Please see the ugly duckling webpage for an example of what happens when an improper range is selected.

    Finally, the Rotation Parameters box contains the Speed parameter. Even if the potentiostat is not being used to control the rotator, you must enter a rotation speed.

    Post Experiment Conditions Tab

    After the Relaxation Period, the Post Experiment Conditions are applied to the cell. Typically, the cell is disconnected but you may also specify the conditions applied to the cell. Please see the separate discussion on post experiment conditions for more information.

    Typical Results

    In the typical result discussed below, the starting material,  K_4Fe(CN)_6 , is partially oxidized to K_3Fe(CN)_6 by applying a sufficiently positive potential (+500 mV) to drive the oxidation. The end result of the experiment is a mixture of  K_4Fe(CN)_6 and K_3Fe(CN)_6.

    Prior to performing the electrolysis, the observed value of the open circuit potential (~50 mV ) was consistent with a solution containing primarily the reduced form of the analyte, K_4Fe(CN)_6. In addition, a preliminary cyclic voltammogram (see Figure 3, experimental parameters: K_4Fe(CN)_6 in  0.1 \; M \; Na_2SO_4 ,  2 \; mm Pt disc working electrode, Pt counter electrode, sweep rate  100 \; mV/s ) confirms that a significant oxidation current is observed if the working electrode potential is at or above  500 \; mV .

    Typical Results

    Figure 3: Cyclic voltammogram of a Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution

    The principle result from a bulk electrolysis is a plot of current versus time (see Figure 4, experimental parameters: K_4Fe(CN)_6 in  0.1 \; M \; Na_2SO_4 ,  5 \; mm Pt Disk,  2800 \; rpm , Pt mesh counter electrode, Electrolysis Potential =  0.5 V ). Integrating the current with respect to time will yield total charge ( Q ) passed during the experiment. One way to accomplish this integration is to use the Area Tool. This tool can be added to a trace with a right-click on the trace followed by choosing Add Tool » Area from the menu. Once the tool is placed on the trace, you can manipulate the control points to choose the limits of the integration (see Figure 5). In this example, the total charge ( Q ) passed during the electrolysis is  26.96 \; mC .

    Typical Results

    Figure 4: Bulk electrolysis of a Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution

    Drawing the proper baseline

    Figure 5 : Using the control points to manipulate the area tool

    Finally, the open circuit potential measured after the electrolysis period is  0.275 \; V . The ratio of oxidized to reduced species can then be calculated using the Nernst equation shown below

    E = E^{0'} + \frac{RT}{nF} ln \left(\frac{[K_3Fe(CN)_6]}{[K_4Fe(CN)_6]}\right)

    where  E is the open circuit potential,  E^{0'} is the formal potential ( 0.230 \; V in this instance),  R is the Universal Gas Constant,  T is the absolute temperature,  n is the number of electrons and  F is the Faraday Constant ( 96485 \; C/mol). The ratio of oxidized to reduced species in this example is  5.77:1 , meaning that the solution contains approximately  85\% \; K_3Fe(CN)_6 and  15\% \; K_4Fe(CN)_6 .

    For a complete electrolysis example, consult the basic discussion of bulk electrolysis (BE).


    The theory of bulk electrolysis is really quite simple. However, for a more thorough description of the technique and general considerations, you are directed to the literature.1

    Consider a reaction  O + e^- \rightarrow R , where  O is reduced to  R in a one electron reaction. A solution of  m moles of  O would require  m moles of electrons to completely reduce  O to  R . Upon applying a sufficient reducing potential, a large amount of  O is converted to  R and subsequently swept away from the electrode by stirring. As more  O is converted to  R the current falls off exponentially until it reaches background level. It is at this point, the electrolysis can be stopped. The charge ( Q ) passed during the experiment can be obtained by integrating the current with respect to time.

    Q = {\int}i(t) \; dt

    The charge can then be converted to the number of moles of  O using the equation

    m = \frac{Q}{Fn}

    where  F is Faraday's constant, and  n is the number of electrons transferred during the reaction.


    The first instance of BE-RDE reduced  Cu(II) onto a copper disk electrode. Puglisi and Bard2 utilized BE-RDE to remove most of the stirring noise associated with traditional electrolysis. Also, the authors were able to calculate a diffusion coefficient from the coulometric current-time curve that matched well with a value obtained using RDE.

    One recent application highlights the usefulness of BE using RDE. Chardon-Noblat et al.3 synthesized a the macromolecule  [Ru(bpy)(MeCN)_2Cl_2] in a one-electron reduction of a  Ru(III) precursor. Previously, this molecule was only obtained in mixtures with the corresponding tris(acetonitrile) derivative,  [Ru(bpy)(MeCN)_3Cl] . The authors also chemically synthesize the  [Ru(bpy)(MeCN)_2Cl_2] using a one-electron reducing reagent, sodium diethyldithiocarbamate. Correlating the amount of charge passed during electrolysis with the amount of liberated chloride ion confirmed that the electrochemical synthesis of the desired complex proceeded with no side reactions. This application highlights the usefulness of bulk electrolysis for synthesis.

    For more typical applications, please see the Application section of regular BE.

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  • Controlled Potential Bulk Electrolysis (BE)

          This article is part of the AfterMath Data Organizer Electrochemistry Guide

    Bulk Electrolysis is a technique where either a constant current or constant potential is applied to an two or three comparment electrochemical cell in order to effect a large change in the oxidation state of a species of interest. The amount of charge passed during the electrolysis can be calculated by integrating the current with respect to time.

    Synonyms: Controlled Potential Electrolysis, Potentiostatic Coulometry, Controlled Potential Coulometry,

    Detailed Description

    The basic setup for Controlled Potential Bulk Electrolysis is shown in Figure 1. Bulk electrolysis can be used to impart a large electrochemical change on a system. This can be complete oxidation or reduction or a species, the complete production of a product through electrochemical synthesis or just a partial oxidation or reduction of a compound to change the ratio of oxidized and reduced species.

    Bulk electrolysis typically consists of a three chamber electrochemical cell with the chambers separated by glass frits. One chamber has the working electrode. This chamber should be stirred to provide maximum mass transport to the electrode during electrolysis. The second chamber usually has the reference electrode and the third chamber houses the auxiliary electrode. Note that both the working and auxiliary electrodes should have a large surface area (typically platinum meshes or vitrious carbon).

    Like most of the other electrochemical techniques offered by the AfterMath software, this experiment begins with an induction period. During the induction period, a set of initial conditions which you specify is applied to the electrochemical cell and the cell is allowed to equilibrate to these conditions.

    After the induction period, a potential is applied to the cell for the specified period of time. After electrolysis the conditions specified in the relaxation period are applied to the cell.

    Finally, the Post Experiment Conditions are applied to the cell.

    Current is plotted as a function of time which can be integrated to yield total charge passed during electrolysis.

    Parameter Setup

    The parameters for this method are arranged on the two tabs of the setup panel. The parameters relating to bulk electrolysis are on the Basic tab and the post experimental parameters are on the Post experiment conditions tab.

    Basic Tab

    The Basic Tab (see Figure 1) contains parameters related to the Induction period, Electrolysis period, Relaxation period, Electrode range and Sampling control.

    Some Pine potentiostats (such as the WaveNow and WaveNano portable USB potentiostats) have current and voltage autoranging capabilities. To take advantage of this feature, set the Electrode range parameter to “Auto”. This allows the potentiostat to choose the current and voltage ranges “on-the-fly” while the electrolysis is conducted. Please see the wiki regarding Electrode Range for a more detailed description and example of how the integrity of the data is affected by the choice of the range.

    Typically, the Induction period, Relaxation period, and Sampling control parameters are filled in. You must enter a Potential and Duration for the electrolysis.

    The Number of intervals in the Sampling control box is the number of data points taken during the experiment. A larger number of intervals means that the number of data points acquired will be more and data files will therefore be larger. Likewise, a smaller intervals means that fewer points will be acquired and data files will be smaller.

    Controlled Potential

    Figure 1: Basic setup for controlled potential bulk electrolysis.

    The waveform that is applied to the electrode first starts with the potential entered in the Induction period, followed by the potential entered in the Electrolysis period, and finally followed by the potential entered in the Relaxation period (see Figure 2).


    Figure 2 : Waveform applied to electrode throughout experiment

    Post Experiment Conditions

    After the Relaxation Period, the Post Experiment Conditions are applied to the cell. Typically, the cell is disconnected but you may also specify the conditions applied to the cell. Please see the separate discussion on post experiment conditions for more information.

    Typical Results

    In the typical result discussed below,  K_4Fe(CN)_6 was oxidized to  K_3Fe(CN)_6 by the application of a potential of  0.57 \;V . The purpose of the experiment was to convert  Fe^{2+} in the complex to  Fe^{3+} . A cyclic voltammogram of the solution is shown below to show that the potential of  0.57 \; V will oxidize completely  K_4Fe(CN)_6 (see Figure 3, a  2 \; mm Pt disc working electrode and Pt counter electrode were used with a sweep rate of  100 \; mV/s ).

    Typical Results

    Figure 3 : Cyclic Voltammogram of a Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution

    The principle result from a bulk electrolysis is a plot of current versus time (see Figure 4, experimental conditions were:  5 \; mL of  K_4Fe(CN)_6 in  0.1 \; M \; KCl , Pt mesh working electrode, Pt mesh counter electrode, Electrolysis Potential  = 0.57 V ). Integration of current with respect to time will yield total charged ( Q ) passed during the experiment.

    Typical Results

    Figure 4 : Bulk Electrolysis of a Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution.

    Right-click on the trace to bring up a dialog box and choose Add Tool » Area in order to integrate the area under the curve (see Figure 5).

    Add Tool>>Area

    Figure 5 : Add Area Tool to electrolysis results

    You can manipulate the control points of the tool in order to obtain a proper area under the curve (see Figure 6).

    Drawing the proper baseline

    Figure 6 : Drawing the proper baseline

    The total charge ( Q ) passed during electrolysis was  459.0 \; mC or  0.459 C . This charge can then be used to calculate the number of moles of species in solution through the use of Faraday's Constant ( F, \; 96485 \; C/mol ) using the equation below:

    m = \frac{Q}{Fn}

    where  n is the number of electrons for the redox process.  F and  Q are defined above. The number of moles of
     K_4Fe(CN)_6 in solution was  4.76 x  10^{-6} . Dividing this by the volume of solution ( 4 \; mL in this instance) in the cell, yields a concentration of  1.19 x  10^{-3} \; M .


    The theory of bulk electrolysis is really quite simple. However, for a more thorough description of the technique and general considerations, please see the literature.1

    Consider a reaction  O + e^- \rightarrow R , where  O is reduced to  R in a one electron reaction. A solution of  m moles of  O would require  m moles of electrons to completely reduce  O to  R . Upon applying a sufficient reducing potential, a large amount of  O is converted to  R and subsequently swept away from the electrode by stirring. As more  O is converted to  R the current falls off exponentially until it reaches background level. It is at this point, the electrolysis can be stopped. The charge ( Q ) passed during the experiment can be obtained by integrating the current with respect to time.

    Q = \int i(t) dt

    The charge can then be converted to the number of moles of  O using the equation

    m = \frac{Q}{Fn}

    where  F is Faraday's constant, and  n is the number of electrons transferred during the reaction.


    Four examples of the usefulness of bulk electrolysis are shown below.

    The first example shows has bulk electrolysis can be used to quantify the amount of a species in solution. Wolfe and coworkers2 electrolyzed solutions of gold nanoparticles passivated with a layer of 6-(ferrocenyl) hexanethiol. Typically, quantitation of the number of ligands protecting a nanoparticle is accopmlished through the use of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). However, since ferrocene sublimes easily, TGA was inconclusive. The researchers were able to quantitate the number of ligands by using solutions of known nanoparticle concentration and oxidizing ferrocene to ferrocenium. By determining the charge passed during the experiment, they were able to calculate the number of ligands per nanoparticle. This first example is useful because it shows that an electrochemical technique such as bulk electrolysis can be used in places whether traditional techniques might fail.

    The second example uses bulk electrolysis to deposit a film of cobalt-based water oxidation catalysts. Surendranath and coworkers3 oxidized  Co^{2+} to  Co^{3+} in the presence of various electrolyte solutions.  Co^{3+} reacts with the electrolytes, forming a thin film of particles on an ITO electrode. Complete electrolysis of the solution was not necessary to form the films that were later used as water oxidation catalysts. This second example is useful since it illustrates that bulk electrolysis need not be solely used to completely oxidize or reduce a species in solution. Rather, the partial electrolysis was enough for the researchers to make their thin films.

    The third example shows how bulk electrolysis can be used in a chemical synthesis. Blattes and coworkers4 used bulk electrolysis to simultaneously generate cycloaddition partners for inverse-electron demand Diels-Alder reactions. Inverse-electron demand Diels-Alder reactions have not been used as extensively as the normal Diels-Alder reaction due to the limited availability of readily accessible simple electron-deficient dienes. Using bulk electrolysis, the researchers were able to access, in situ, two unstable entities for use in cycloaddition reactions. The researchers were even able to show regiospecificity and diastereospecificity in the case of heterocyclic annulations.

    Finally, the fourth example shows how bulk electrolysis can be used to teach electrochemisty to first-year undergraduate students. Chyan and Chyan5 used screen-printed electrodes to examine the metal-deposition process through bulk electrolysis. Normally, electrochemistry is introduced at a later time in the undergraduate curriculum when students have had more time to develop essential lab skills. Since the electrodes are screen printed the usually labor-intensive step of electrode preparation is removed. Using a variety of deposition solutions, students are able to generate films of different, visually-attractive films in one lab period. Along with the introduction of Faraday's Law, the researchers are also able to introduce electrodeposition efficiency since these electrodes can be weighed after the deposition process. This great example shows a wonderful way to get students hooked on the fascinating world of electrochemistry.

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  • CBP Bipotentiostat: Upgrade Options


    Owners of the Pine CBP Bipotentiostat system who are presently using our classic PineChem software may wish to upgrade to our new AfterMath software package. Such an upgrade is likely to involve both a software upgrade and a corresponding hardware upgrade. This article discusses some of the issues to consider when contemplating an upgrade.

    What can I get for free?

    All users of our classic PineChem software may take advantage of the FREE AfterMath Viewer download option. If you are only looking for the ability to analyze data and prepare plots from your bipotentiostat data, then you can download a free copy of our AfterMath Viewer software package. The viewer permits you to import PineChem data files directly into the AfterMath viewer software, and then you can prepare plots and analyze data using AfterMath.

    What if I want to control the CBP Bipotentiostat using AfterMath?

    If you wish to to control your CBP Bipotentiostat using AfterMath, then you need to consider upgrades to all five of the following components in your existing CBP system:

    1. Interface Board Upgrade. The interface board (which is installed inside the computer) must be a 16-bit interface board. Older bipotentiostat systems are likely to have an earlier 12-bit interface board rather than a 16-bit interface board. Because AfterMath uses the interface board to digitally generate the waveform applied to the working electrode, it is essential to use a higher resolution 16-bit interface board when working with AfterMath. If you have purchased your CBP bipotentiostat system recently, you may already have a 16-bit interface board. If not, you will need to purchase a 16-bit board (click here for details)
    2. Filter Board Upgrade. When using the interface board to send digital waveforms to the bipotentiostat and to record the response from the potentiostat, it is very likely that noise will be introduced as signals travel between the computer and the bipotentiostat. For this reason, Pine strongly recommends that a signal filter board be installed in the bipotentiostat. This easily installed add-on board provides various levels of signal filtering for both the excitation signals and the response signals travelling in the interface cable. (click here for details)
    3. Software License Upgrade. The software license for AfterMath is tied to the particular interface board installed in the computer. For this reason, it is important to first settle the issue of the 16-bit interface board upgrade (discussed above) before ordering AfterMath from Pine. You will need to report the serial number of your interface board to Pine at the time you purchase the AfterMath upgrade (click here for details)
    4. Operating System Upgrade. AfterMath works with Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP (32 bit). If you are using a computer with an earlier version of Windows, then you will need to upgrade the operating system. (click here for minimum system requirements)
    5. Device Driver Upgrade. If you upgrade the interface board and/or the operating system, then you will very likely need to upgrade the device driver for the interface board. (click here for device driver information)

    How much does it cost to upgrade?

    Pine is happy to provide you with a quotation for an upgrade package. Contact Pine at (919) 782-8320 or using our online contact form (click here). We will be happy to help you evaluate exactly what you need to successfully upgrade your system.

    In general, most customers choose to purchase the filter board together with the software license directly from Pine. In the event that an interface board upgrade is also required, Pine can also supply the interface board, but it is generally less expensive to purchase the interface board directly from National Instruments.

    What features does AfterMath offer?

    AfterMath software has many advantageous features. In each of the tabs below, the functions of the software are displayed.

    Classic PineChem

    Data Analysis and Plotting Features
    Multi-Trace Overlay Plotting
    Peak Area, Height & Baseline Tools
    Trace Data Transform Functions
    Drag-n-Drop Traces on to Plots
    Full Support for SI Units
    Select Traces, Segments, and Points
    International Unicode Font Support
    Superscripts, Subscripts, Symbols
    Publication Quality Printing
    Queueing Multiple Experiments
    Control of Multiple Potentiostats
    Cell Control while Idle

    System Clipboard Support
    Copy Trace Data to Clipboard
    Copy Trace Data from Clipboard
    Copy Plot Image to Clipboard

    Original PineChem Methods:
    Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
    Bulk Electrolysis (BE)
    – Constant Potential
    Dual Electrode Cyclic Voltammetry (DECV)
    – Collection, Shielding, and Window variants
    Dual Electrode Bulk Electrolysis (DEBE)
    – Controlled Potential

    Additional Single Step Methods:
    Open Circuit Potential vs time (OCP)
    Bulk Electrolysis (BE)
    – Constant Current
    Dual Electrode Bulk Electrolysis (DEBE)
    – Mixed Mode Constant Current and/or Potential
    Single-Step Chronoamperometry (CA)

    Staircase, Pulse, and Multistep Methods:
    Double-Step Chronoamperometry (DPSCA)
    Linear Staircase Voltammetry (LSCV)
    Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)
    Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)
    Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV)
    – including Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry

    Cyclic Staircase & Pulse Methods:
    Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry (CSCV)
    Cyclic Differential Pulse Voltammetry (CDPV)
    Cyclic Square Wave Voltammetry (CSWV)
    Cyclic Normal Pulse Voltammetry (CNPV)
    – including Cyclic Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry

    Galvanostatic Methods:
    Chronopotentiometry (CP)
    Current Ramp Chronopotentiometry (CRP)
    Cyclic Current Ramp Potentiometry (CCP)

    Stripping Voltammetry (anodic and cathodic):
    Stripping Voltammetry (ASV)
    Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry (DPSV)
    Square Wave Stripping Voltammetry (SWSV)

    Data Storage Formats
    PineChem Setup File (.stp)
    PineChem Results File (.exp)
    AfterMath Data Archive (.paax)


    AfterMath – Viewer Only Version

    Data Analysis and Plotting Features
    Multi-Trace Overlay Plotting
    Peak Area, Height & Baseline Tools
    Trace Data Transform Functions
    Drag-n-Drop Traces on to Plots
    Full Support for SI Units
    Select Traces, Segments, and Points
    International Unicode Font Support
    Superscripts, Subscripts, Symbols
    Publication Quality Printing
    Queueing Multiple Experiments
    Control of Multiple Potentiostats
    Cell Control while Idle

    System Clipboard Support
    Copy Trace Data to Clipboard
    Copy Trace Data from Clipboard
    Copy Plot Image to Clipboard

    Original PineChem Methods:
    Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
    Bulk Electrolysis (BE)
    – Constant Potential
    Dual Electrode Cyclic Voltammetry (DECV)
    – Collection, Shielding, and Window variants
    Dual Electrode Bulk Electrolysis (DEBE)
    – Controlled Potential

    Additional Single Step Methods:
    Open Circuit Potential vs time (OCP)
    Bulk Electrolysis (BE)
    – Constant Current
    Dual Electrode Bulk Electrolysis (DEBE)
    – Mixed Mode Constant Current and/or Potential
    Single-Step Chronoamperometry (CA)

    Staircase, Pulse, and Multistep Methods:
    Double-Step Chronoamperometry (DPSCA)
    Linear Staircase Voltammetry (LSCV)
    Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)
    Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)
    Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV)
    – including Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry

    Cyclic Staircase & Pulse Methods:
    Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry (CSCV)
    Cyclic Differential Pulse Voltammetry (CDPV)
    Cyclic Square Wave Voltammetry (CSWV)
    Cyclic Normal Pulse Voltammetry (CNPV)
    – including Cyclic Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry

    Galvanostatic Methods:
    Chronopotentiometry (CP)
    Current Ramp Chronopotentiometry (CRP)
    Cyclic Current Ramp Potentiometry (CCP)

    Stripping Voltammetry (anodic and cathodic):
    Stripping Voltammetry (ASV)
    Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry (DPSV)
    Square Wave Stripping Voltammetry (SWSV)

    Data Storage Formats
    PineChem Setup File (.stp)
    PineChem Results File (.exp)
    AfterMath Data Archive (.paax)

    Import Only
    Import Only

    AfterMath – Full Version

    Data Analysis and Plotting Features
    Multi-Trace Overlay Plotting
    Peak Area, Height & Baseline Tools
    Trace Data Transform Functions
    Drag-n-Drop Traces on to Plots
    Full Support for SI Units
    Select Traces, Segments, and Points
    International Unicode Font Support
    Superscripts, Subscripts, Symbols
    Publication Quality Printing
    Queueing Multiple Experiments
    Control of Multiple Potentiostats
    Cell Control while Idle

    System Clipboard Support
    Copy Trace Data to Clipboard
    Copy Trace Data from Clipboard
    Copy Plot Image to Clipboard

    Original PineChem Methods:
    Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
    Bulk Electrolysis (BE)
    – Constant Potential
    Dual Electrode Cyclic Voltammetry (DECV)
    – Collection, Shielding, and Window variants
    Dual Electrode Bulk Electrolysis (DEBE)
    – Controlled Potential

    Additional Single Step Methods:
    Open Circuit Potential vs time (OCP)
    Bulk Electrolysis (BE)
    – Constant Current
    Dual Electrode Bulk Electrolysis (DEBE)
    – Mixed Mode Constant Current and/or Potential
    Single-Step Chronoamperometry (CA)

    Staircase, Pulse, and Multistep Methods:
    Double-Step Chronoamperometry (DPSCA)
    Linear Staircase Voltammetry (LSCV)
    Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)
    Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)
    Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV)
    – including Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry

    Cyclic Staircase & Pulse Methods:
    Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry (CSCV)
    Cyclic Differential Pulse Voltammetry (CDPV)
    Cyclic Square Wave Voltammetry (CSWV)
    Cyclic Normal Pulse Voltammetry (CNPV)
    – including Cyclic Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry

    Galvanostatic Methods:
    Chronopotentiometry (CP)
    Current Ramp Chronopotentiometry (CRP)
    Cyclic Current Ramp Potentiometry (CCP)

    Stripping Voltammetry (anodic and cathodic):
    Stripping Voltammetry (ASV)
    Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry (DPSV)
    Square Wave Stripping Voltammetry (SWSV)

    Data Storage Formats
    PineChem Setup File (.stp)
    PineChem Results File (.exp)
    AfterMath Data Archive (.paax)

    Import Only
    Import Only

    Download Options

    PineChem owners can purchase the full version of AfterMath.

    Alternatively, PineChem owners can download the AfterMath Viewer for free.

    Read More
  • Autoranging

          This article is part of the AfterMath Data Organizer Electrochemistry Guide

    The choice of measurement sensitivity is very important when performing an electrochemical technique. If the instrument sensitivity is set too low, then small signals may be lost in the noise. If the instrument sensitivity is adjusted too high, then even relatively small signals may overwhelm the measurement circuitry, causing large features in the signal to be “clipped” or truncated.

    In almost every electrochemical technique, the software is able to automatically choose the proper sensitivity for the excitation signal. For example, before a cyclic voltammetry experiment even begins, the software is well aware that the potential excitation waveform is a simple triangle wave that will alternate between a few known setpoints. Because the magnitude of these setpoints is known ahead of time, the software can automatically match the proper potential measurement sensitivity to these known setpoint levels. Such “software autoranging” is always possible for whichever signal (potential or current) is the excitation signal.

    Choosing the proper range for measuring response signals is a bit trickier. the autoranging feature for response signals, when available, is generally done in “real time” by the instrument itself. During an experiment, the instrument actively monitors the response signal levels and makes “on the fly” adjustments to the range settings. For example, in a cyclic voltammetry experiment, the current generally starts off at some small level. Then, as the potential is swept toward the formal potential for an electroactive substance in the cell, the current begins to increase quickly. The instrument senses this increase in current and automatically switches to a less sensitive current range to prevent the ever-growing current signal from being “clipped”.

    The advantage to having an instrument capable of autoranging response signals is that you don't need to specify the signal sensitivity ahead of time. The instrument determines the proper range while the experiment is occurring. The disadvantage of such instrument-based autoranging is that small glitches may be introduced into your results whenever the instrument switches from one measurement range to another. These glitches are caused by a momentary loss of cell control during the circuit switching event.

    In the worst case, the proper choice of current or potential measurement sensitivity must be determined by a trial-and-error process. By repeating the same experiment once or twice, you are able to determine the anticipated signal levels and adjust the instrument sensitivity accordingly.


    The choice to use autoranging for the potential and current signals is made on the Ranges Tab (see above). By default, both of these range settings are set to “Auto”, meaning that the software and/or instrument will attempt to choose an appropriate signal sensitivity automatically.

    Not all instruments support the autoranging feature for response signals. For instruments which do not support this feature, choosing the “Auto” range setting usually causes the least sensitive range setting to be selected.

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  • CBP Bipotentiostat: System Requirements

    In general, the personal computer used with the CBP bipotentiostat system must be a desktop or tower system (not a laptop). There must be one full size PCI slot available to accomodate the interface board. The operating system must be one of the versions of Microsoft Windows listed below.


    • Processor Class: Pentium IV or equivalent
    • Operating System: Windows XP (32 bit only), Windows Vista (32 or 64 bit), or Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit)
    • Processor Speed: 1 GHz or faster
    • Physical Memory: 512 MB or higher
    • GUI Platform: Microsoft .NET 2.0 (what's this?)
    • Screen Resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels recommended
    • PCI Port: One full size PCI slot must be available for the interface board
    • Device Driver: The interface board uses device driver software developed by National Instruments, Inc. (
    • Optical Drive: Required if you wish to install AfterMath from a CDROM shipped to you by Pine

    Related Links: CBP Bipotentiostat Support Page

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  • CBP Bipotentiostat: NIDAQ Permissions

    Security Issues

    The Legacy NIDAQ device drivers used with the Pine AFCBP1 Bipotentiostat typically work without any problems when they are installed from an account which has administrative privileges and when the AfterMath or PineChem software applications are run from an account which has administrative privileges.

    Problems are encountered, however, when normal user accounts are used to install NIDAQ or to run the AfterMath or PineChem software applications. Typically, customers at large organizations with central control of computing resources are the first to encounter these problems (because such customers do not have access to the administrative accounts on their laboratory computers).

    There are ways to overcome these problems if a person with an administrative account is available to assist with the initial installation of the NIDAQ device driver. This article describes Pine's recommendations about how to install AfterMath and NIDAQ in an environment where everyday users will not have access to an administrative account.


    Installation of AfterMath, PineChem and/or the NIDAQ device drivers should ALWAYS be performed using an account with administrative privileges.

    Installation is generally a simple matter of downloading the appropriate software (or using an installation CD-ROM), and then running the “setup.exe” file in the installation package. See the AfterMath Installation Guide or NIDAQ Installation Guide for more information.

    Instructions for downloading NIDAQ are provided at the end of this article.

    Post-Installation NIDAQ Tuning

    NOTE: The information in this section is based on National Instruments KnowledgeBase article 3CQGAFHS which has the title ”How Do I Give Non-Administrators Full Control Over National Instruments Products?”.

    After the main installation using an administrative account has been completed successfully, the next step is to make sure that all users (both administrators and non-administrators) have access to the folders in which the National Instruments applications were installed. These folders are all typically located within the parent folder “C:Program FilesNational Instruments” (see below).

    Note that the following steps should be performed while you are still logged into an administrative account.

    Locate the parent National Instruments folder (see below):

    Go to the Properties dialog box associated with the parent folder (see below):

    Select the “Security” tab, click on the group called “Users”, and then check the box to allow “Full Control” over the folder (see below):

    Click the “OK” button after making the changes described above.

    At this point, log out of the administrator account and then log into one of the normal user accounts. Launch AfterMath from the normal user account. After a few seconds, AfterMath should detect the presence of the AFCBP1 bipotentiostat connected to the system.


    The required NIDAQ device driver (for the interface board) may be downloaded directly from the National Instruments web site.

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  • CBP Bipotentiostat: Signal Filters

    A complete CBP bipotentiostat system is a combination of the bipotentiostat itself, an interface board and cable (manufactured by National Instruments), and a Windows-based desktop computer (usually provided by the customer). With any system made up of components from a variety of manufacturers, it is important to assure that all of the components are working together in the best possible configuration. In the specific case of the CBP bipotentiostat, a common issue is making sure that the interconnections between the components are made in such a way that excess signal noise is not introduced into the system. This article describes best practices for electrical connections (to eliminate most signal noise at its source) and for signal filtering (for removing noise as the signals are sampled).


    Ground Connections

    When working with the CBP bipotentiostat system, it is very important to make certain that all parts of the system are properly grounded. The computer system, the monitor, and the bipotentiostat should all be connected to the same grounded power source (i.e., do not connect the computer and the bipotentiostat to different power circuits).

    The metal chassis of the bipotentiostat is connected to the earth ground via the third prong on the power cord. The front panel of the bipotentiostat has a convenient binding post (in the lower right corner) that can be used to make additional earth grounding connections as needed. Typically, any metal object located near the electrochemical cell (such as a rotating disk electrode, a clamp holding the cell, or a Faraday cage around the cell) should be connected to the earth ground.

    Cell Cable Shielding

    The various cables which connect the bipotentiostat to the electrochemical cell should be of the shielded (coaxial) type whenever possible. These cell cables should be routed well away from any power cords, network cables, or video monitors, all of which are considerable sources of electrical noise.

    The cable which connects to the reference electrode must be of the shielded coaxial type. The shield of this cable is driven by the bipotentiostat to the same potential as the reference electrode. Thus, the shield line on the reference electrode cable should never be connected to ground.

    Internal Filter Board Settings

    There is a signal filter board installed inside the CBP bipotentiostat which filters the signals which travel through the interface cable. Both the excitation signals and the response signals are filtered using this board. Note that this board may not be present in some early model CBP bipotentiostats, but it may be obtained from Pine and installed in an existing CBP system. (click here for installation instructions)


    icon_caution.jpg CAUTION:
    If an internal filter board is installed inside the CBP bipotentiostat system, and the older PCI-6030E interface board is being used, there are limitations regarding the current and potential measurement ranges that must be taken into consideration. Be sure to read and understand the description of the limitations of this particular interface board (click here for details). In addition, be sure to use AfterMath Version 1.2.4532 (or a more recent version) when working with this combination of boards.

    Excitation Signal Filters

    The waveforms applied by the interface board to the bipotentiostat are called the excitation signals. There is one excitation signal for each of the two working electrodes (K1 and K2). These excitation signals are generated by the interface board (which is installed in a Windows-based personal computer), and the signals travel through the interface cable to a connector on the back panel of the bipotentiostat. After passing through the back panel, these signals may be filtered to remove any digital noise from the computer that may have traveled through the interface cable.

    There are three filtering options available for each excitation signal. One option is to allow the signal to pass through without any filtering. The other two options are low-pass filters with either a 10 Hz or 1 KHz cutoff frequency. The excitation signal filters for each signal (K1 and K2) may be set independently; however, it is common practice to apply the same amount of filtering to both signals.

    The boxes below list the jumper settings for the filtering options available for the K1 and K2 excitation signals. The factory default settings use the 1 kHz filters for both K1 and K2.

    K1 Electrode Excitation Signal

    1 kHz Filter
    JP6 – A&B open
    JP7 – pins 1&2 closed
    10 kHz Filer
    JP6 – A&B closed
    JP7 – pins 1&2 closed
    No Filter
    JP7 – pins 2&3 closed

    K2 Electrode Excitation Signal

    1 kHz Filter
    JP8 – A&B open
    JP9 – pins 1&2 closed
    10 kHz Filer
    JP8 – A&B closed
    JP9 – pins 1&2 closed
    No Filter
    JP9 – pins 2&3 closed

    The two figures below show the proper configurations for the jumpers which control filtering of the excitation signals.


    Example Settings for JP6 and JP8


    Example Settings for JP7 and JP9

    Response Signal Filters

    The current and potential signals measured at both working electrodes are the four principle response signals which travel from the bipotentiostat back to the interface board through the interface cable. All four of these signals (E1, I1, E2, and I2) are filtered using low-pass filters. The cutoff frequency for all four low-pass filters is adjusted using jumpers JP1 and JP2 on the signal filter board. There are four different cutoff frequencies available (1, 10, 100, and 1 kHz). The frequency setting applies to all four signals (i.e., it is not possible to set the frequency individually for each response signal). The factory default settings use the 10 Hz filters for both K1 and K2.

    Electrode Response Signal Filters
    1 Hz
    JP1 – all pins open
    JP2 – all pins open
    10 Hz
    JP1 – all pins open
    JP2 – pins 1&2 closed
    100 Hz
    JP1 – pins 1&2 closed
    JP2 – all pins open
    1 kHz
    JP1 – pins 1&2 closed
    JP2 – pins 1&2 closed

    External Software Filter Control

    The choice of cutoff frequency for the response signals may be placed under external software control (via the interface board) by setting the jumpers as shown in the figure below. This option is only available when using AfterMath (version 1.3 or higher) in conjunction with an M Series interface board (such as the PCI-6251). Contact Pine for further details.

    Jumper Settings to Permit External Control of Filter
    JP1 – pins 2&3 closed
    JP2 – pins 2&3 closed

    Ground Reference Selection (Excitation Signals)

    The excitation signals generated by the interface board are (by default) referenced with respect to the analog output ground (AOGND) located on the interface board itself. It is possible to use a jumper on the filter board to cause the excitation signals to be referenced with respect to the local ground for the CBP bipotentiostat instead. This latter choice is not recommended at this time. Contact Pine for further details.

    Jumper Settings for Excitation Signal Ground Reference

    Interface Board Ground (AOGND)
    JP3 – pins 2&3 closed

    CBP Local Ground (DC Common)
    JP3 – pins 1&2 closed

    Ground Reference Selection (Response Signals)

    It is possible to connect the response signal ground reference from the CBP bipotentiostat (i.e., the DC Common) to any of three different ground references on the interface board. By default, no such connections are made. However, a jumper on the filter board can be used to connect the DC Common to one of three lines on the interface board (AOGND, AISENSE, or AIGND). Such connections are not recommended at this time. Contact Pine for further details.

    Jumper Settings for Response Signal Ground Reference

    No Connection (default)
    JP5 – all pins open

    JP5 – pins 1&2 closed

    JP5 – pins 3&4 closed

    JP5 – pins 5&6 closed

    Feedback Attenuation Knob

    An analog bipotentiostat circuit is based on a set of feedback loops built from operational amplifiers. In any such feedback system, there is a tradeoff between the response time of the system and the stability of the system. To increase the stability of the system, the response time of the system can be intentionally attenuated (i.e., slowed or damped). Conversely, adjusting the system to be more responsive may make the system prone to oscillations caused by constructive feedback and amplification of small noise signals.

    When a potentiostat system is connected to a particular electrochemical cell, it is often necessary to tune the responsiveness of the instrument to match the cell geometry and type experiment being performed. In general, it is desirable to tune the potentiostat to the minimum amount of feedback attenuation required to guarantee stable operation. Finding the proper amount of attenuation is often a trial-and-error process.

    On the back panel of the CBP bipotentiostat, there is a knob that can be used to adjust the amount of attenuation in the analog feedback circuits. This knob has four settings marked 0, 1, 2, and 3. The lowest setting (0) represents the least amount of attenuation (fastest instrument response time) while the highest setting (3) introduces a great deal of attenuation into the circuit (slow instrument response time).


    Feedback Attenuation Knob (back panel)

    When possible, the instrument should be operated with the feedback attenuation knob in position “0” or “1”. This allows the instrument to remain fairly responsive to sudden changes in signal levels without significant distortion.

    In certain slow, steady-state experiments (such as rotating disk voltammetry and rotating ring-disk voltammetry), the attenuation knob can be adjusted to position “2” to provide even greater stability. Because such steady state experiments do not typically generate signals which change rapidly, the extra damping associated with position “2” is not a major concern.

    Position “3” is not recommended except for those cases where signals remain constant over very long periods of time (i.e., very long-term electrolysis experiments).

    Related Hardware Links: Filter Board Installation, CBP Bipotentiostat, Interface Boards

    Related Software Links: AfterMath, PineChem, NIDAQ Device Driver

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  • CBP Bipotentiostat: System Installation


    This article is meant as a guide to the installation of the CBP Bipotentiostat system and the AfterMath Data Organizer software package which controls this instrument. It includes instructions for the physical installation of the interface board in your computer, the NI-DAQ device driver software, connection of the interface board to the bipotentiostat, and finally, testing of the overall system. Information in this article is generally only needed during the initial installation and setup of the system.


    A successful installation of your CBP bipotentiostat system involves doing the following steps in the order listed below:

    1. Verifying that your computer system meets the minimum requirements.
    2. Installing the software
      1. Installing the AfterMath software package on your computer system.
      2. Installing the NIDAQ interface board device driver on your computer system (includes a reboot of your system).
    3. Installing the hardware
      1. Powering off your system.
      2. Physically installing the interface board inside your computer system.
      3. Connecting the interface board to your potentiostat.
      4. Powering on your system again.
    4. Verifying the installation
      1. Testing to assure that your computer's Windows operating system recognizes the interface board.
      2. Testing to assure that the NIDAQ device driver recognizes the interface board.
      3. Testing to assure that AfterMath recognizes and can communicate with your bipotentiostat.

    Host PC Requirements

    In general, the personal computer used with the CBP bipotentiostat system must be a desktop or tower system (not a laptop), and it must be running the Windows XP operating system. There must be one full size PCI slot available to accomodate the interface board.

    • Processor Class: Pentium IV or equivalent
    • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
    • Processor Speed: 1 GHz or faster
    • Physical Memory: 512 MB or higher
    • GUI Platform: Microsoft .NET 2.0 (what's this?)
    • Screen Resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels recommended
    • PCI Port: one full size PCI slot must be available
    • Optical Drive: Required if you wish to install AfterMath from a CDROM shipped to you by Pine

    Software Installation

    Successful installation of the the CBP Bipotentiostat system requires installing AfterMath and the NIDAQ Device Driver (see below for more information).

    AfterMath Installation

    If you purchase a CBP Bipotentiostat system and the AfterMath software package at the same time, then the AfterMath software is shipped to you on a CDROM. In most cases, when you insert this CDROM into your computer, the AfterMath installer will start automatically. However, if the installer does not start automatically, you can simply browse to your CDROM drive and double-click on the setup.exe application on the CDROM (see image below).


    The first four screens you are likely to see during the installation process are shown below. The most important of these is the fourth screen where you specify the location where the AfterMath software should be installed and also which users (“Everyone” or “Just Me”) have access to AfterMath. We recommend choosing the “Everyone” option.


    If you encounter different screens than those shown above when you first start the installation process, it is most likely because one or two Microsoft system components are missing from your computer. If these components are missing, then you may be prompted to download and install two Microsoft system components directly from the Microsoft web site. This task is easier if your computer is directly connected to the Internet. If your computer is not directly connected to the Internet, then you can download these two system components using a different computer and then transfer them using a USB drive.

    The latest version of AfterMath and/or the Microsoft system components required by AfterMath are available on another website.

    More detailed screenshots of the entire AfterMath installation process are also available.

    After you have installed AfterMath, you may briefly launch the application if you wish. However, AfterMath will not be able to detect or control your bipotentiostat until you have completed the installation of the device driver and the interface board as described in the succeeding sections.

    NIDAQ Device Driver Installation

    The interface board and device driver software are products of National Instruments Corporation (Austin, TX). An appropriate device driver is usually included on the software disk from National Instruments that comes with the interface board. Drivers may be downloaded from the National Instruments website (see below). This information is also located on the Aftermath install disk in the “drivers” directory.

    NIDAQ drivers may download directly from the National Instruments web site.

    SECURITY NOTE: The NIDAQ driver should always be installed from a Windows user account which has administrative privileges. If the user who will routinely be using the AFCBP1 Bipotentiostat does not have an account with administrative privileges, then special steps must be taken to assure that the user is granted access to certain installation folders.


    Hardware Installation

    In order that the hardware is installed correctly, please perform the following ordered steps.

    1. Power Off Your Computer
      • In preparation for physically installing the interface board in your computer, you should turn off your computer and disconnect the power cord from the power source.
    2. Physical Installation
    3. The interface board is designed to fit into one of the available PCI slots on your computer's motherboard. Installation will involve opening up your computer's case and working with small hand tools.


      If you have never installed a PCI card before, you may find the following YouTube videos helpful. Note that these example videos describe how to install network cards, so some of the information in these videos is not applicable to the interface board used with the CBP bipotentiostat system. Nevertheless, these videos will give you a good idea how to install any kind of PCI card.

      If you prefer to look at a series of still photos which describe how to install a PCI card, then take a look at the following links:



    4. Potentiostat Connection
    5. A two meter long cable with a special adapter is used to connect the potentiostat to the interface board. Be sure to route this cable away from any potential noise sources such as power cords or network communications cables.

      1. Plug one end of the cable into the interface board. Use the two threaded screws on either side of the connector to firmly mount the cable.
      2. cbp_cable_into_board.jpg
      3. Plug the special adapter into the connector on the back of the potentiostat. Then, plug the other end of the cable into the adapter.
      4. cbp_cable_into_back_panel.jpg
      5. A properly installed cable is shown below. Note how the cable is routed away from the power cord.
      6. cbp_cable_properly_installed.jpg
    6. Powering On Your Computer System
    7. After you have installed the interface board, you should close the computer's case and connect the computer to its power source. Then, turn on the computer. Soon after your computer has rebooted, you should notice a series of one or more messages in the lower-right hand corner of the screen which indicate that Windows has recognized the presence of the new interface board.


    Installation Verification

    To verify that the installation was successful, the interface board must be detected by Windows, the NIDAQ Device Driver, and AfterMath. The sections below detail how to assess the installation.

    Interface Board Recognition by Windows

    To confirm that Windows recognizes the presence of the interface board that you have just installed in your computer, use the Windows Device Manager to view a list of the hardware devices attached to your computer.

    One of the easiest ways to access the Windows Device Manager is to right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and choose the “Properties” item from the menu. Then, choose the Hardware tab and click on the Device Manager button.


    The main view offered by the Device Manager is a list of all of the hardware components installed in your computer. This list is organized into various catagories, and each computer will have a unique list depending upon which devices are installed. The interface board usually appears under the category called Data Acquisition Devices.


    Interface Board Recognition by the NIDAQ Device Driver

    Use the National Instruments' Measurement & Automation Explorer to verify that the NIDAQ interface device is functioning properly. To start Measurement & Automation Explorer click Start > Programs > National Instruments > Measurement & Automation Explorer. You should see the device under “Devices and Interfaces” as shown in the image below:


    Interface Board Recognition by AfterMath

    Finally, start AfterMath. The instrument should appear in the lower-left pane as shown below:


    If the instrument description does not end with “idle” as seen in the image:

    1. Stop/exit the AfterMath software.
    2. Verify that the instrument is turned on.
    3. Verify that the “CONTROL SOURCE” is set to “External”.
    4. Re-start the AfterMath software.


    Product and company names listed below are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.

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  • CBP Bipotentiostat: Interface Boards

    There are a variety of interface boards available for use with the CBP bipotentiostat system. When using our AfterMath software to control the bipotentiostat, Pine generally recommends using a 16-bit interface board because these boards produce higher resolution digital waveforms. This higher resolution is especially important when using sweep voltammetry to study surface-bound electrochemical processes (see reference at end of this article).

    When using our older PineChem software to control the bipotentiostat, either a 12-bit or a 16-bit board may be used. PineChem uses the true analog sweep generator within the bipotentiostat to generate waveforms, and the resolution (12 bit vs. 16 bit) of the interface board is less of an issue. It is very important to use the correct version of the NIDAQ device driver software when using these boards with PineChem or AfterMath.

    CBP Bipotentiostat owners in need of a new interface board are encouraged to order an interface board directly from National Instruments. A summary page providing details and pricing can be found on the National Instruments website at the following link:


    National Instruments Interface Boards Compatible with the Pine Research CBP Bipotentiostat
    16-bit X-Series (PCIe)
    16-bit M-Series (PCI)
    16-bit E-Series (PCI)
    12-bit E-Series (PCI)
    AfterMath* only
    AfterMath* only
    AfterMath* or PineChem
    AfterMath* or PineChem

    * AfterMath version 1.5 or earlier must be used with the CBP Bipotentiostat. Newer versions of AfterMath do not support the CBP Bipotentiostat.
    Additional information about obsolete and unofficial interface boards is discussed below.

    Obsolete Interface Boards

    These boards were used during the era of the ISA slot (1990s) primarily with Pine’s older PineChem software. It is now very rare for any Windows-based computer to have an ISA slot, so it is nearly impossible to make use of these boards now. It is possible (but often very tricky) to use an AT-MIO-16E-10 board with AfterMath if you happen to have a very old computer with an ISA slot that also has Windows XP installed.


    Obsolete Interface Boards
    ISA Board
    ISA Board
    AfterMath or PineChem
    Early PineChem only

    Unofficially Supported Interface Boards

    Both the PineChem and AfterMath software unofficially recognize several other boards manufactured by National Instruments. These include the PCI-MIO-16E-1, PCI-6070E, PCI-6052E, AT-MIO-16E-2, AT-MIO-16E-1, and AT-MIO-16XE-10 boards. Pine makes no guarantee with regard to how well AfterMath or PineChem will work with these boards, but if you happen to already own one of these boards, you can give it a try.

    Further Reading and Information

    The issue of digital waveform resolution in sweep voltammetry and its influence on surface-bound voltammetry experiments is discussed in great detail in the article linked below. If you work with electrochemical systems involving adsorption, oxide films, self-assembled monolayers, etc., you are encouraged to read this article: P. He, Analytical Chemistry 67 (1995) 986–992

    *All photos of interface boards on this web page are Copyright © 1999-2008 Artisan Scientific (Champaign IL). Used with Permission.

    Related Hardware Links: CBP Bipotentiostat, Interface Boards

    Related Software Links: AfterMath, PineChem, NIDAQ Device Driver

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