The 256th ACS Fall National Meeting in Boston, MA is fast approaching. This year’s theme is Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Beyond. The Kavli Lectures will feature Dr. Jill Millstone of the University of Pittsburgh presenting Metal-ligand chemistry in nanoparticle synthesis and performance and Dr. Harry Atwater of the California Institute of Technology presenting Light as Fuel. In addition, the Kavli Foundation is sponsoring a two-part symposia on the BRAIN Initiative on Tuesday August 21th. A morning session on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology in Neuroscience & the BRAIN Initiative organized by Dr. Anne Andrews, UCLA and an afternoon session on The Role of the Chemical Sciences in Brain Research & the BRAIN Initiative organized by Dr. Jonathan Sweedler, University of Illinois.
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Can electrochemistry help the BRAIN Initiative?
How Do Researchers Study Corrosion Via Electrochemistry?
In advance of the NACE 2018 Corrosion Conference and Expo April 15 – 19, 2018 in Phoenix, AZ, we thought we would highlight some of the ways researchers study pipeline corrosion via electrochemical techniques. Electrochemistry plays a vital role in this field of study because it allows what was historically a cumbersome, expensive, and materials-intensive process to be simplified and dramatically downsized to laboratory-scale experiments.
Read MoreCorrosion of commercial pipelines is a persistent issue that has resulted in significant research efforts from universities and oil/energy companies alike
Electrochemical Education for our Food, Energy, and Water Challenges
The theme of the 255th ACS National Meeting is Nexus of Food, Energy & Water: Adapting to Future Challenges. The Sunday opening session speakers include leading experts in renewable energy, water treatment, and smart agriculture. It is likely these talks will present many challenges we face in society and how chemistry can provide solutions to these problems. The talks may also enlighten some chemistry and engineering students in high school, undergraduate, and graduate school to pursue research careers. Today’s younger generation are tomorrow’s research leaders. A thorough chemical education is necessary for our students to solve the challenges that await them. One area of chemical education that has been lacking in most academic institutions is electrochemistry. Concerning our challenges in food, energy, & water, electrochemistry plays an important role in all of those topics.
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Pine Research Exhibits at Midwest Regional ACS Meeting
Read MorePine Research enjoys spending time in the Midwest – especially this time of year (before it starts snowing). Last week we were in Illinois for the MACTLAC conference, and this week, we are very excited to see the Midwest chemists at the Midwest Regional ACS Meeting, at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.